The Age of the Imperium


+++ Imperial Reconnaissance mission to Epsilon (Ɛ) Bay +++ Report follows +++
We have located a lost world of abhumans, the planet designated ƐBay is a
harsh but productive industrial world ripe for reintegration into the
Imperium. The abhumans show some deformities due to the heavy presence of
poly cements in the atmosphere, with occasional limbs locked into strange
almost unnatural positions and hands fused with weapons. They are
however fiercely loyal to the God Emperor and their immaculately kept stores
of heavy metals and transport machines shall spare them destruction. +++





So I thought I'd start a thread for my 40K stuff that has finally seen hours of effort put into coat of paint, and thereby devaluating it massively (but how could I ever part with those classic models) :)

First up we have some Squats. These are the classic plastic ones (RTB10) that I got hold of some years back, They were an eBay acquisition. My brother has the box I originally had back in the day so I'm making do with seconds. They had certainly suffered from being assembled by an adventurous youth with too much polycement. It took a good few evenings and a fair amount of effort to clean up blobby hands and to deal with weirdly posed arms and heads, still I managed to get a decent number of models out of the pile.

I went for the classic box art colour scheme for the most part although I decided not to ruin them by attempting the yellow piping along the arms! I've yet to decide on any insignias hence the badges being plain yellow for now. I've also not attempted any eyes on these, firstly because I'm still rubbish at faces and secondly because they hardly seem to have anything to paint, which won't help my first issue! :) I Can't say these are painted to any amazing standard, decent tabletop I think, but I'm pleased with the way the fairly quick batch painting turned out. I am wondering about adding some further detailing on the weapons, I think they are a little plain - so some power lights and perhaps hazards on the lascaannons. The weapons were actually an attempt on a new technique - silver with GW's Black Templar contrast paint over the top. If you are fond of Homo sapiens Rotundus then Orjetax has some stunning chaos squats on a thread for you to drool over.

In time this lot will be joined by a small collection of Lead including a decent number of bikes which had the joy of being new, but for now those are just in the preparation stage. Beyond that I have some classic Marines and eventually some Orks to pop on this thread.


These look great. I think this is far better than tabletop standard.
You’ve been too modest!

I very much like the hex based as well. Not seen too often and they look great and distinctive on them.

I tried that black Templar over silver method before but didn’t get as successful result as you have here. Any special approach to the way you did it?

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Nice figures and intro blurb. Good to see figures that aren’t toting shiny pimp shooters.

Another option for dull looking weapons could be Vallejo Model Colour Black Grey or similar with a black wash. You could also add a light metallic drybrush on the parts likely to wear.


Thank you all for the complements.

Orjetax":2uqcvh07 said:
I very much like the hex based as well. Not seen too often and they look great and distinctive on them.
Hex bases rule! Granted back in the day I never had a hex base, but I always had a fondness for them from the diagrams in the RT rulebook.

I remember many years ago needing some (hex bases) for a Baneblade build from White Dwarf instructions, but alas didn't have any. Thinking of that Baneblade ... the dowels I used for the Baneblade tracks actually got reused as painting bases for these Squats! (Don't worry I never did finish the Baneblade model so I didn't destroy anything worth looking at!). Anyhow when I started painting my RT marines I thought I'd put them on hex bases for a more retro look and decided all my new "old" 40K stuff should go on them!

The actual bases are Just Vallejo Earth Texture (Dark Earth) with a black wash and drybrush or two. I do batches of them then later fix on the models and cleanup around the tab (obviously no tabs for these Squats). I wanted a fairly plain base for my 40K stuff that I could probably use in both rural and city boards without them looking too odd.

Orjetax":2uqcvh07 said:
I tried that black Templar over silver method before but didn’t get as successful result as you have here. Any special approach to the way you did it?
Nothing special, possibly luck of the draw. The models we're primed in light grey, the silver was "Metallic Silver" from Warcolours. I actually expected to see some more silver as my other experiment with Black Templar have seen it rub off quite easily on edges - so I was expecting a light buffing from my fingertips to reveal more silver highlight, but it doesn't really seem to have done that much this time round! I might well do a very light drybrush as Citizen Sade suggested on a few.


Very nice - love the description of the planet they came from! :grin:

Glad that they have had their destiny realised with this fantastic paint job.


Thank you for the kind words about the Squats. So finally a few more Rogue Trader pictures for this thread. There are thirteen of them simply because I seem to have acquired 13 old terminators, I've not really through about how they might divide into squads yet, painting marines for the fun of it!


A few more detailed shots, although the highlights are a little washed out in the photos:



I painted the models without their arms attached having fond memories of trying to paint terminators many years ago when assembled. They were airbrushed with Vallejo Moon Yellow. I then did some airbrushed shading from below with some brown and a highlight from above with white. After this the models had a wash of yellow ink (GW Lamenter Yellow).


They were then pin washed with Vallejo sepia wash and then began the breakdown inducing process of picking out all the detailing in black. The power fists were masked off to get neat stripes.


The chest and shoulder emblems were then detailed in grey. The power fists were glazed with several layers of yellow ink to bring up the yellow intensity so they were more like hazard stripes and less just the same shade as the armour.


Shoulder emblems were laser printed onto decal paper and applied, that worked out quite well for a DIY job. Highlights were just blended in with paler yellow going to white on a few edges.


So now I just need to find that small bag of storm shields I have tucked away somewhere! For now I'm leaving the bases plain.


Thank you all for the kind words. With an airbrush yellow becomes much easier. You can just get that initial smooth layer down and adding some brown for basic shading makes such a difference to the models.

I've got some other classic marines I need to get posted (and finished), for some reason I've just not got back to finishing up the last few models and they've been sitting on one side for a couple of months. I guess the yellow bug will bite again and I'll finish them up, it's mostly just the highlighting and detailing to do. After that lot it's deciding if I want to tackle the RTB01 pile or if I should paint up some orcs for the marines to battle against!


Absolutely wonderful job on those terminators.

Makes me want to get my own Space Hulk stuff painted up!