She will, however, be under guard - all Amazon holy places are strictly forbidden to non-Amazons and Euphrosyne is only there under special dispensation from the High Priestess and because she is female. She'll have a couple of options - overpower/trick her guard so she can slip away and once free of her chaperone she'll have to decide whether to search out the desired High Age artefacts or sneak down to the ground floor to assist the rest of her party entering the temple silently by opening a door.
A bit of information for all players - there are three ways in to the temple at ground level. I'll randomly assign each party to a route they have taken to the shrine which will also determine which entrance they are likely to attempt to enter by. they must escape by the same route they came in (it's the only safe route they know) or in a more dire situation - steal canoes to escape by the river. I'll also dice off to see who has been delayed by the difficult terrain and low light conditions so we can have a bit of a staggered start seeing as how we have more warbands than entrances. I'm mulling over the use of grappling hooks/rope ladders should any looters be brave/reckless enough to try and gain entry by a first floor window.
This scenario takes place at the dead of night so sound is going to be very important - any sound may attract attention! There is a percentage chance attached to a range of actions that might give players away to Amazons who are awake and a reduced chance for sleeping Amazons. I'll run through these with you all on the day though.
Many of the doors in the Shrine will be locked at night but one of your party will have the lock pick skill - lock pickers will need to spend a whole movement phase picking a lock by rolling a D6 and getting under the lock's rating. Lock pickers get three successive attempts to pick a lock before further attempts become useless. Looters also have the option of breaking doors down - a somewhat noisy option however!
Torches - the shrine is lit by wall mounted torches and the scenario specifies which are lit and which are unlit. They can of course be extinguished or lit if players have suitable means of ignition. It will be easier to hide in darker places of the shrine but easier to spot guards, search rooms and generally see where you are going in well lit areas. I'm still thinking about how far models will be able to see - probably something like 3" in pitch black, 8" in partially lit areas and full line of sight in well lit areas. This will affect what your models can charge or be charged by, shoot and be shot by and whether or not they can search rooms, etc. Carrying a torch will make progress through the shrine easier but may make you more of a target!
Searching rooms - you have a choice of rapid searching or thorough searching but the room must be at least partially lit for this to be successful. Some rooms are full of cabinets, book shelves and boxes and come with a set number of turns to search. Rapid searching will halve that number but creates more noise that may be heard in adjacent rooms/floors. Some rooms are less cluttered and are more easily searched - in this case rapid searching will allow you to search the room on the same turn you enter the room while thorough searching will take until the next movement phase. Time allowing, I'll try and make up a deck of cards with the results of room searches on so that I can let each player know what they've discovered secret from the other players...
Like I say role-playing is to be encouraged and if you want your characters to perform an action that falls out of the scope of the normal rules then I'm all for GM'ing it - there'll likely be some kind of roll to see if you're successful or not with certain extra consequences for utter failure and resounding success! Extra brownie points for players who come up with names and back stories for their party of burglars