Storage horde


yep.. but second hand and £10? yeah.. I'll give it a pass.. (though I am debating a £30 figure.. but only debating that price because I've only ever seen 2 for sale, pretty damn rare and high-ish on my list of really want)


When I started I used enamels, but don't they take forever to dry?
They certainly took longer than acrylics, but I wouldn't say it was forever. It forced me into batch painting, which in retrospect wasn't a bad thing. As I recall I would paint about five to ten miniatures with a given step of the process and by the time I was done I could go back and start the next step with the first one, so I was probably painting more quickly on average. (I've had to relearn batch painting as I've tried to get some fresh armies painted. I'd quit doing armies sometime in the 90s and switched to civlians and adventurers. Until I decided I needed guardfolk and space elves to go with my spez maroons, orks, and dwarves.)


That is interesting, my memory had me convinced it was hours until they were even touch dry.

There may be some variation between brands and formulations. In fact, I think I recall such. I mostly used Floquil, which painted on very thin and dried fairly quickly straight out of the jar, but most people I knew used Testors, which was much thicker stuff and took longer to dry. Not sure where Humbrol fell on the spectrum. Additionally, I wasn't necessarily waiting until a coat was completely dry, as I did blend shades on the model to a certain extent, even then. I'd make sure the base coat was good and dry, but for anything else, touch dry was plenty good enough, since I was either blocking in adjacent areas or blending related shades. I think I probably also waited longer before painting fine details over the primary colors.

When I was attempting to recreate the same workflow to batch paint imperial guard and eldar a few years ago with acrylics I found I could do it, but I had to paint very, very quickly indeed so that the first miniature wasn't completely dry before I started blending in the middle shade. (I would typically use a three tone process for shadows, midtones, and highlights of a given color. Sometimes I do it a little differently now, since I started using inks sometime in the 2000s. After I made the acrylic switch.)

All of it has changed in recent years anyway, thanks to health discoveries and new regulations and so forth. (Testors acquired Floquil's parent company Pactra-Polly S some years ago and completely discontinued the brand, allegedly amid health concerns.) I couldn't find the same stuff anymore if I tried, and whatever is left probably paints differently. There's some new brands now, and I think there's wider availability of UK enamels in the US now than there was in the 80s, so maybe I could try some of that Humbrol goodness.


^Ooh, yeah. Condolences. I . . . uh . . . may have some of my late sister's doll house furniture mixed onto my gaming table. (And other bits from other honored dead friends and family. Getting older is pleasant, but complicated.) May the bitter flavor fade with time, and may the sweet memories persist. Very un-space-marine-like, but *hugs*


the collection was shared with my younger brother who passed away in 2012…
Very sorry to hear that. Well maybe getting them all up to speed now can be a tribute!

TBH little annoyed that he swapped off a load of great Space Orcs, including the classic plastic battle wagon!!
The battle wagon, like gold dust on ebay now! I have one of the earlier Armorcast resin ones for my orks to romp around in at some point. Been busy this evening cleaning up some Space Ork dreadnoughts and a Hot Splat gun ready for assembly.


^There's some fan sculpts out there in STL files if you have a 3D printer. And Curtis Fell has some resin models that work very well indeed for ork vehicles.
There are 3d files for everything these days! There’s not much left of the Space Orc army (and more than enough of the others) so that can go on the back burner for now…