Storage horde

Spent the weekend with my folks and reclaimed my old collection from storage at their place.

Going to me fun sorting (and dusting) all this lot out…!! Do you get the impression I was not much of a painter in my youth…?


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Spent the weekend with my folks and reclaimed my old collection from storage at their place.

Going to me fun sorting (and dusting) all this lot out…!! Do you get the impression I was not much of a painter in my youth…?

What fun you’ll have going through the hoard

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Shiny shiny!

I spy Arkhan the Black in there, one of the few models I've scrounged back from my brother (the keeper of my "our" collection) and is now sat on the shelf saying "paint me", I did his chariot, but never did him! Now what else, A Rapier tracked gun, I remember painting one of those bright purple/gold for what seemed a highly sensible reason when I was young! The crazy Empire War Wagon, awesome stuff. Some gems from my youth in there for sure!

So how long do we give you to get it all painted then?


Ooh, lots of lovely there. Beakies, genestealers, maybe some space pirates, a tarantula . . . and lots of fantasy stuff too. Have fun!

This just means you get to paint more now without needing to strip your over-eager youthful enamels.
Haha! One way of looking at it. Didn’t use too many enamel paints back in the day and was quite quick to pick up a GW painting guide extorting their painting method - perhaps that long winded method was what hampered painting? Was always more into playing games and collecting new models back then.

There are more space pirates and “Army” models amongst the pile than I remembered, also some nice Confrontation models (which I think they really look great even now!).

Anyway going to sort through them all and then consider which project to work on next.


^For what it's worth, I have begun to wonder if enamels really were better, since they wear quite well. And while it's a bit more difficult to use them, once you've got the hang of it I think you can do anything with an enamel that you can do with an acrylic. But none of us have the skills starting out that we have now, and the learning curve on enamels is a bit steeper, so some of our youthful 80s paintjobs (and by our I of course mean mine) were . . . let's say stylized in a particular way. Let's call it the "heavy block." It was a sort of style that's become pretty rare. And even those of us in possession of examples are finding ourselves stripping the varnish off our prized artworks and starting over. Anyway, whatever paint you use, and whatever your skill level, have fun! You've got some lovely stuff, and not having to give the kids the bath will make it quicker and easier. :)
Youthful dunking of brushes into the pots never helps painting technique…
Interesting that enamels are becoming more marketed at the wargaming hobby, albeit as washes. I can’t say I would have thinned my old pots of Humbol down as the jam jar of white spirit was only ever opened to clean brushes off. That stuff stinks!!


My experience might be a little different, as I learned to paint from my model railroader father, and so I started mostly with Floquil paints, which were fairly thin to begin with. We kept a can of white spirits which we poured out into a small paint pot as necessary to clean brushes. Whenever we thinned it to use with an airbrush we used the solvent straight from the clean can. This whole thread is going to force me to try enamels again for the first time in . . . thirty years? Twenty five at least.
Here is a (bad) shot of the Goblinoid horde:

Does anyone recognise the non-Citadel minis in the second pic? I know some are by Heartbreaker and Grenadier…


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erm.. Heartbreaker 105 Orcs with Hand weapons (Scimitar, Axe, Mace) are the three bottom right.
The moon topped banner is an Grenadier Orc which was part of a army set, part of the Fantasy Warriors game.. I'm sure it was also released on it's own. The Rider guy is an Orc Wolf Rider from Grenadier. I know most of the Grenadier ones are now available from Forlorn hope.
The two guys with spears on there backs are the same crew member from a Bolt Thrower by Grenadier, and the two above them are 2 of the other one from that set So you might have 2 bolt throwers in your pile ^_^

looks like 4 Grenadier ones I can't ID and I think the two above the wolf rider might also be Grenadier.. the goblin champion guy ... I'm not sure.. nice looking guy but.. no clue.. how strong is the base glue?
Thanks for the identify Geroak II! Great mini, gives off Labyrinth vibes to me?

Here are a few up close pics of the Grenadier goblin command minis. Are coded M257 to M259 1988 on the base.


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These are the others:

2 little gobos, one has lost his foot and base, the other has PAM GB2 stamp.

The other is Ral Patha 1988.


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