Spined Dragon /Castle Diorama

This post is an introduction to the model /Diarama I made for Bringoutyourlead 2023. I started it back in April or May of 2023 but then my mother's illness interrupted the process as I had more important things to attend to. Sadly, She passed away in June of this year and to be honest, I came close to just quitting the whole thing, but for some reason, I decided that I'd come this far and best to press on, I'm glad I did as it ended up scooping the first prize in the diorama category. I hope you enjoy the diorama. In this thread I'll post some pics and if you have any questions please just ask , I'll do my best to answer.



Condolences, it must be difficult still

I saw this diorama on someone’s Facebook photo dump from BOYL this year. Glad you didn’t quit, it looks awesome. Any more shots/angles to share?
Condolences, it must be difficult still

I saw this diorama on someone’s Facebook photo dump from BOYL this year. Glad you didn’t quit, it looks awesome. Any more shots/angles to share?
oh great, I havent seen anyone post pics yet but I'm not on FB as much at he moment. I post there automatically via Insta. yes, I'll be sharing more pictures shortly.
I'd always wanted to get a Great Spined Dragon but felt it would never happen. I'm way too tight-fisted to buy a 40-year-old spined Dragon that every collector will pay top dollar for. I'd have to sell a kidney or something to fund it, never gonna happen.... or so I thought.
Then, luck smiled on me and I started a conversation with David Wood of the Little soldier company. David and I kept chatting at successive BOYL's, and he ended up bringing me a spined dragon in return for some website marketing expertise. Which is handy, because I don't have any other expertise to offer. I got a spined Dragon Miniature. Now, how to paint it.

I cleaned it up and sanded it and cut all the mould lines off, washed it and sanded it and BROKE it in about 4 places. BUGGGGGGER! Primed it twice, sealed it, built it and then started to get some paint on it. I quickly stopped though because I had to temper my enthusiasm with the practical reality of making some kind of a base for it.

My first thought was some rough, scorched ground, which I started and then stopped because I'd had an epiphany. Actually, it wasn't a REAL epiphany, it was a bloody stupid idea that "normal Phil" would have scoffed at and then walked the other way....but this was stressed out, Phil. He's not "cheeky chappy, Oldmanpaints Phil", he's more of a manic depressive "let's drink whiskey and paint till 4am", kinda idiot. It was that Phil.

Let's 5x the MDF base​

So, what to do...? Well, first things first, grab that bit of MDF I cut the original base from and let's use it...the whole damn thing. You can see I'd slapped some base coat on the dragon, but that was about it. The small base just wasn’t inspiring me.

I cut a big ass rectangle out and positioned the original base onto it...I'd already pinned the dragon to it and didn't have the stomach to unpick the pinning for fear of breakages....so whatever I did, I'd have to build up the base. I'd better make a plan...at least the "back of a fag packet" plan.

So, I thought "Let's do a castle, a wrecked castle, just one room, some castle walls with the dragon in the middle".

Then I thought, let's add.....

  • A heap of treasure.
  • Some marauding adventurers trying to steal the treasure.
  • A spiral staircase (WHY, no idea, let's just make it more complicated for no good reason)
  • A drain/sewer with a mutant toad in it. (Why, because I have one that Ketiltrout sent to me, may as well use it.
  • A jail cell, with a prisoner or dead prisoner, maybe some straw..chain him to the wall, give him a widescreen TV (joke)
  • An Oubliette (forget them dungeon), with a skeleton and reeds
  • A mini staircase down to the dragon chamber.
  • Some fallen adventurers whose ropes snapped trying to climb in to grab the treasure
  • A gallows and gibbet.
  • Some crows and maybe a cheeky magpie
  • A wooden staircase to a platform with a Garderobe. (ancient toilet -WHY?)
  • Some Ash/Poo piles of unfortunate adventurers.
  • Some dead knights and people, and a skeletons
  • Lots of treasure
  • Some heraldic shields or pennants with all the houses from my family tree
  • Some funny(ish) nods to Blanche and Anselldragon-board.jpg


the great spiny does seam to be known for it's lead rot these days.. Be interesting to see how this unfolded ^_^


Wow that dragon and diorama look amazing. I will eagerly anticipate a few more photos either finished or the construction! Certainly one of those models I'd love to own one day.

I'm sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I can quite empathise especially with the "why bother" feelings after loosing someone close and important. Strangly life does seem go on and I hope finishing this lovely piece off brought some small reward, it's certainly brightened my day seeing it.

the great spiny does seam to be known for it's lead rot these days.. Be interesting to see how this unfolded ^_^
Total guess, but I wonder if given it was a large miniature the 'lead' used in the casting consisted of lots of bits of semi-recycled lead from the mold gates, failed models etc. rather than freshly bought. You know - all the spare bits in a bin and periodically cast up a dragon when there was enough given presumably they sold far fewer of them. Whilst obviously re-melting the casting metal is perfectly common I'm just wondering if they more often ended up with somewhat contaminated metal and that's lead (haha) to problems in later years? Who knows? I still want one!


Total guess, but I wonder if given it was a large miniature the 'lead' used in the casting consisted of lots of bits of semi-recycled lead from the mold gates, failed models etc. rather than freshly bought. You know - all the spare bits in a bin and periodically cast up a dragon when there was enough given presumably they sold far fewer of them. Whilst obviously re-melting the casting metal is perfectly common I'm just wondering if they more often ended up with somewhat contaminated metal and that's lead (haha) to problems in later years? Who knows? I still want one!
possible, wouldn't be too surprising for a more factory environment at times.

you can get your own for about £800 ^_^ or get a 'homage' sculpt for far cheaper.

Ketil Trout

lovely diorama Phil, glad you finished it in time for BOYL and congratulations on the win in the painting competition. Lot's of lovely oldhammery details to find, look forward to more photos

Fimm McCool

This was pure awesomeness to behold and seeing the in-progress shots just makes me love it even more.

the great spiny does seam to be known for it's lead rot these days.. Be interesting to see how this unfolded ^_^
I'm not sure it's lead rot so much as fatigue. Parts of the dragon (especially the wings) are very heavy on very thin supports. Over time the force on the lead (not the strongest material to start with) causes it to fracture and break apart. I haven't seen any spined dragons that have broken out in grey fungal bloom but plenty that have had their wings, legs and head drop off.
lovely diorama Phil, glad you finished it in time for BOYL and congratulations on the win in the painting competition. Lot's of lovely oldhammery details to find, look forward to more photos
Many thanks Pal. TBH I never expected to get it finished before BOYL, and it really was a skin of the teeth thing. Talk about cutting it fine. additional photos etc will be incoming..I'm just struggling for time as per usual.
Anyhoo this is the first sketch idea...

I wanted to sketch everything as a rough idea...because I generally have a memory like a sieve and knew that I wouldn't remember what I wanted to add. These little sketches helped me to organise a shopping list of bits I had to buy or make.

Castle hmmm.....Castle Stowk ;D

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So, armed with a madcap plan...I started pulling together some materials and cracking on. I went over to Currys, (the electrical place), and asked them if they had any Polystyrene packaging left over, they did and gave me plenty. So I started hacking at it to shape some walls. I borrowed my daughter's Glue gun...which, I had initially thought was a waste of time, a fad...until I actually used it and discovered..it was a really useful tool to get started. At this stage, I was feeling pretty optimistic. The glue gun worked well, once I unclogged it and I managed to cut some walls and get a frame up quickly. walls1.jpeg


I am so going to enjoy watching you describe this build... packing polystyrene I'm already excited! How I used to horde interesting shapes...