Slowly painted greenskins


Lovely stuff. Takes me back to my dwarfs getting stomped by my brother's boarboyz. Lovely freehand designs on the shield, too. It's nice to see a diverse mix of shield colours and designs, while still remaining coherent as a unit.
That unit of Ruglud and his lads sure looks great!


If you have the heart to cut in your old lead, then I think the boar rider armed with a crossbow could be easily converted to a drummer. With a bit of creativity, you might even be able to convert him to some sort of musician just by adding greenstuff.


Thanks for the kind comments guys its really appreciated.

I'm moving away from the boars due to the musician dilemma, so instead I'm going for either my Man-Mangler or my Dog Cart. Which ever I do decide to go with I know one thing I want to do is move away from the usual brown wood and try for a my natural faded grey you get with aged weather worn wood. I tried something similar with the bridge I painted for my little dwarf diorama a few years ago.


I think with the rust of the metal and the eye popping green skin I should hopefully end up with a lovely model!!!

Ketil Trout

I remember looking at this on Warseer, lovely piece. Am sure it will make a great scheme for the mangler, everything looking great so far. A real treat to see these figures painted so well. Pretty jealous of your boar boy unit too.


Cheers Ketil and trust me I'm definitely jealous of your lovely greenskins !

Made some progress on the man-mangler.

I painted the pieces separately until basically finished and then glued together as I felt this was the best way to get to all the hard to reach places. So here's where I'm at, just the arm to do and then add the rope. Then its the bit I'm dreading the shields! I've tried a couple of tests but I'm really struggling with making the noses which I think are so important to the original and something I definitely have to do. I had planned to stick as close to original paint scheme as I could but when I decided to go for a more worn wood look I just felt a green face looked wrong so in the end I went with bronze and plenty of Verdigris. The look I'm going for is orcs don't look after their stuff LOL. Last thing I got myself a little light box so tried on these photos bit of a rush job but definitely a good start so here you go hope you like...





That's wonderful: it's EXACTLY how I'm planning to paint mine (one day...)

My tip for the shields (or what I'm going to do with them): if you can't trim the metal spikes to the correct shape, cut them away :o
I've found out that rose thorns' tips have exactly the curves of the noses kev adams sculpted on his shields: you'll just need to slightly trim and glue them to the shields and make them bulkier around the nostrils with some green stuff.
I've already made two this way (the best shape-wise is not 100% painted, though): I'll try to take a pic during the w.e.
Here's the other one (I'm not very happy about it: I should have angled the nose more downwards, but it hides a pin and - once painted - it was too late to modify it):




Holy Moses that looks great all round. Going for a metal face shield really pulls it together as an old and mangy piece of equipment, very nice. And I am also very partial to the grey-green wood effect, terrific stuff. You've nailed that aged, dry and sunbleached look, in the realm of old barns and driftwood. I don't suppose you could elaborate on the painting process for the wood? I would love to know what paints you used.


Cheers guys much appreciated.

@Tex : That nose is perfect and I think its something I'm going to have to think about doing however much I hate the idea of cutting the spikes !!

So I've tried several times to sort out the noses and every time its been a complete failure. I have come to the conclusion that the spike are too big to turn into the noses seen in the original, so Kev Adams must of either removed the spikes or carved them to the desired size/shape. So that's my plan, I intend to sculpt the noses as best I can and then glue to shields and then cut the spikes off its not what I would really want but its the only way.

Here is a photo of the man-mangler with added swing arm and rope. I wanted in this photo to also show the hand which I've painted bronze to tie in with the face at the front.


Gallivantes":rhhzzeu7 said:
Holy Moses that looks great all round. Going for a metal face shield really pulls it together as an old and mangy piece of equipment, very nice. And I am also very partial to the grey-green wood effect, terrific stuff. You've nailed that aged, dry and sunbleached look, in the realm of old barns and driftwood. I don't suppose you could elaborate on the painting process for the wood? I would love to know what paints you used.

That was exactly what I was looking for and I'm definitely happy with the result. Here's the paints and approach I used to create it.

Base colour : P3 Bastion Grey
High Light : VGC Stonewall grey
High Light : VGC Dead White
Green : VGC Camouflage Green
Washes : Army Painter Dark Tone

I have trouble explaining my painting style but basically it involves watered down paint that is almost translucent so the dark areas always come through when I paint so I build up the lightness with several coats.

So start with Bastion and once dry give a coat of Dark Tone this helps define the woodgrain and also gives me the dark shaded areas. Once dry I mix Bastion with a small amount of Stonewall grey plus lots of water (at least 50/50) this is washed all over, when dry I repeat but with more Stonewall added to mix. I repeat always adding more stonewall until I'm happy with the lightness. I then gave it a wash of Bastion plus Dead white but this was only added to the areas I really wanted to look bleached so at the top of the wood and along edges etc. Then when that's dry I gave the whole thing a good wash of Bastion plus water you really need this to be very watery so say 70% water as all your trying to do is bring a uniformity to the colour and get rid of any harshness in the highlights. I then went back with Dark Tone but again watered this down and used that to add shade where it had been lost in the painting so in corners or around the spikes etc. Then the last thing was building up the moldy green done in exactly the same way just several coats of watered down Camouflage green the areas that got more coats appearing more green so again I just picked a few places such as joints for this.

So does that make sense ?? It does to me but that's because its how I paint LOL


As promised, this is the shield which turned out better (still wip, of course):




As explained above, I got a rose thorn, kept just the tip and trimmed it; once glued to the shield I sculpted the nostrils out of greenstuff.


@Tex : That's just perfect. I've already got my hands on some thorns and have started experimenting with them. It would be interesting to know if that's how Kev Adams achieved his results because they just look so similar . The only sad part is I'm going to have to cut the tips of the spikes to add the shields which is a massive shame as I just love the model


Yep, I feel your pain.
Looking at the picture you posted in the other thread, for the lower noses kev has clearly kept the original spikes; the upper ones I can't tell.
Have you tried to slightly bend the spikes and carefully file them to the desired shape?

In any case, when you look at kev's model, you know you HAVE to try and replicate the shields arrangement: it's just sooo good and iconic.
But I can't wait to see your version completed, as I'm sure it'll be a jewel 8-)


Yes thanks Dazza that makes sense through and through. Your descriptions are not as bad as you seem to think lol. Appreciate it.


Been a rather long time since I painted any green, but needing to take a break from Dwarfs and also inspired by some really nice greenskins I've seen recently on web I've decided to paint up 1 of the many I have . Trying a less comical skin tone compared to my previous ones and spent 10 minutes testing it out.



Managed to get a bit more painting done today. Really enjoying painting this guy up its a nice change from all the dwarfs I've been painting lately. Moved on to the metal just metal base then lots of washes to try and get that used looked. Next step will be rust.



More progress .

First time using Vallejo Game Effect Rust/Dry Rust and really like them definitely made the rust painting a lot easier. Sadly due to the age of the model I am coming across a few issues with wear and tear in places on some small details which has made it rather difficult to paint some areas. Anyway another quick photo.
