Single Seaters


There are days I just can't get the autofocus to cooperate. It's nice if you have a manual feature and a tripod, but that's a lot of work for a quick miniature snap for a forum, but I digress. Great looking miniatures! :) And yeah, the base is fun. (I'll never be able to spell that again. No matter how hard I try it just comes out bass sometimes. Musician problems, I'm shure of it.)

Loose Loser

Did you take image with a smartphone? I found that if you don't photo them as center placed but little bit off, tend to take better detail on wanted spot. Might got something to do with, where the lenses are placed?


Smartphone? stupid names.. what does that even mean?
anyway, I use a Camera.. a phone is for making phone calls. else you have a jack of all trades, master of none. A Camera is always far better then a mutli-tool device. Though my Camera is a bit old, that's no problem.. also, until doesn't exist 'digital' zoom, mine has zoom. (Seriously, NEVER use digital zoom.. it's a con job which.. atleast for a while, they stopped trying to use a replacement for a zoom.. but my camera is a low entry.)

might have to strip it down to give it all a decent clean sometime.. might be a bit of dirt on a lens or a bit of fog but should be fine.

Loose Loser

That means the phone is smart. Recording what your're talking, then it recommends videos, ads and similar according to you. Dunno, I don't like old phones as sound isn't that good and from new ones ( Do like flip phones, like my fav Motorola V60 ), only those Chinese Spyphones are good ( do like those, radius of mic is 30cm max I think haha excludes everything else. Even roaring KTM Duke, so go figure ). But anywho... Was thinking that you've used not camera device to take images. Don't think that white background is helping. If it's to soak the light you could just put that paper in the frame, that is usually enough. Never had true luck with it.


mm.. don't see how that is smart.. but I'm a tech guy so.. oh well

I find the white can help else it's auto-focusing can sometimes find too many other details in my limited space to focus on instead.. and I can't figure out the manual focus well enough.. looks in focus on the screen, turns out it's not in the final thing..

Loose Loser

White will soak your lightning ( but really helps to remove glares and all that ). If your background details are the problem, then use some sort of neutral background. I don't know what you have of camera but I've got Canon EOS 2000D, got screen but I don't rely on it as I can't see squat on it. So I look through camera, using program ( manually set ISO, WB, etc. ) but using autofocus ( I use hand in front of lens so it lose focus then again to take focus on the mini as I discovered that autofocus got certain margin so it won't auto focus if you go few cm back which will make your mini blurry ). Even I'm struggling with all that, I did occasionally got few good images. I also using soft box tent so called. Really helps. Or if you got hefty lamps, you could put low g print paper on them so it will soft your lighting. But I've got feeling that I'm telling you what you already know.


no where near as fancy ^_^ I only picked it up cheap for... reasons that'll be a bit complex to go into.

I do have a light box but setting it up for something quick, and having the space.. more when I got a batch to do.. and I'm trying.. though slowly, to get stuff tidied up so I'll have more space and can do stuff

Loose Loser

Climbing on the thickest branch in 2 AM with camera isn't complicated to explain. Been there, done that.

Yeah, I hear you. I must unpack and then pack everything back every time. Painting or taking photos ( not to mention making terrain, completely discard that idea for some time now. Sand or flock or grass, discard that also lately ) all the same. Only time that I don't have to move anything is when I work on PC for reasons that'll be...

Loose Loser

Painted up complete single seater. Ral Partha's Shadowrun from 1991. Corporate Contact ( one of three from blister ). This one is Orc I guess.

Silk suit, of course. Didn't have any luck with pinstripe suit so opted for silk one.


For comparison

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