Salute 2024


Oh, and this was my first show since games day 1989 at the Derby Assembly Rooms! Have spent most of the last 24 hours googling and watching YouTube videos of salute, games and minis that I saw, and checking social media to see what else people had enjoyed.


I had the pleasure of saying the briefest of hello’s to you - was with Iain Smedley at the time, but unsure if you caught my name above the noise. Met Geoff (he definitely didn’t get my name) and saw his brilliant new ‘not fimir’ sculpts and fantastic table. Would have like to try out the game, but by that stage I was already flagging. I arrived 9.30 and after having done a tour of the floor was dragged into a ‘quick game’ of What A Tanker! Which actually lasted about 1 hour… after I caught up with Iain did another tour of the floor - picked up some skeletons and zombies from Fenris games and from Wargames bases, and then Made my way to the exit. good time was had, but they definitely need more chairs- and was disappointed by lack of big games.

l’m now seriously thinking about travelling to BOYL this year, even if just for the Saturday, but am also thinking that I should have brought along those Citadel spaceships for you just in case (are you still planning on a doing a Space fleet game this year?). Anyhow, nice to meet you , even if only for the briefest of moments!
Oh, I did catch your avatar, just not your actual name? I wouldn't worry most folk refer to me as Golgfag1, which I'm happy to run with as I'm fairly quiet with strangers.
Geoff's a talented sculptor for sure and his Fimir are something I'm avoiding, as I tend to invest heavily in things, if I start, particularly has Drew has just brought his - on to the market, could turn expensive very quickly!
Yes, I'm currently looking to run games of Spacefleet on Friday and a big game on Sunday, depending upon interest closer to BOYL. If you attend, I suggest you stay at least one night in Newark just to meet the regulars and get the vibe of the group - whos interests and outlook are varied and wide when it comes to all things oldhammer.
Hope to meet you again soon.
Paul / Golgfag1