Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI Camo


Re: RT Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI Camo

Another Little update to show some progress on the First 9 Space Marines

Since the last update they have had the stage two Camo done, Some additional black lining, a tidy up, The final Wash/Filter has been placed on the armour and the pipes and groundwork have been basecoated. The end is in sight!


They look a little shiny in the pics, because of the wash, but that will get sorted at the end

The next job is to highlight the pipes and paint the face of the guy without the helmet, then I can move onto the blacks ( Guns & Back packs ). I have mixed up a few custom pots for my blacks to try and save a bit of time and keep the colours uniform over the entire army


talking of backpacks.... I prime them separately in black and I use a skanky old potato to do well see below!


The Tate Modern has offered me a bundle for it but I told them to stick it, I'm going to set it free to float through the cosmos where it belongs


Re: RT Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI Camo

Looking good mate, I actually like the guys face as it is, can you leave it? Hehe no seriously mate I really am digging it.

I painted the camo on my scout lastnight.... Mixed emotions at the mo..


Re: RT Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI Camo

Nice work - love how you've dealt with the colour scheme. What's the difference between the three blacks?

Oh, and what colour are you painting the potato :lol:


Re: RT Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI Camo

Cheers Guys,

@Protist - The three blacks have varying amounts of Faded Khaki added, I think its something like

#1 = 10%
#2 = 20%
#3 = 40%

The colour shifts are quite subtle when actually painted, so they all look quite similar in the pot - and the Spud is going to be painted with the Colour Out of Space!

Chapter Badge

Right this was bugging me a bit, I knew I wasn't going to freehand all of the chapter badges on these guys, its quite a complex badge and would take ages to do on all of them, and it would be impossible to get them looking anything like uniform.

So it was all about Decals. from what I could find there are two heroes out there who have made sheets that can be downloaded and printed. The first is from Bell of Lost Souls


and these ones from Bolter and Chainsword that are both placed side by side and printed as an A4 Sheet



I had to make some adjustments in Photoshop before printing any of them as they were set up for modern figures and the Griffon faces forward when placed on the Right shoulder pad ( as you look at the figure) and I needed them to face forward when placed on the left shoulder pad. A simple Horizontal flip in PS and problem solved.

It took me a while to decide on what style to use. My initial choice was for the ones from B&C but then I changed my mind and settled on the BoLS ones as I thought they were less heraldic looking. I had a couple of goes with different sizes but when placed over the camo they just looked like black blobs. So I revisited the original Compendium pictures and actually the B&C ones are far closer to the original idea so I changed my mind back again and I'm very happy I did. I also thought that because the B&C Griffons are more spread out they would be less effected by the underlying camo.

here is poor old Brother Test after having a load of different Decals applied and removed. After the decal set I added a small white dot for the eye and then over painted a few bits with my Black #2 to help with the definition a bit

Apologies for the bad quality photo, I couldn't get a close up shot of the shoulder pad that would stay in focus


So I learned a few things about making custom Decals and also learnt that going forward I need to think more closely about where I place the dark spots on the left shoulder pad to avoid them obscuring the outline of the decals - I think the next few applications will look cleaner as I have got my head round what I'm supposed to be doing now.

What do you reckon?


Re: RT Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI Camo

Looks good! I had my own adventure with custom decals a couple of months ago. It's a learning curve, but worth it, I think.


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Hi All,

Long time no speak! My project has been slowed down quite a bit due to a full restoration on our new house, but I have managed to sneak in a bit of painting here and there - I have a load of W.I.P pics but no one is interested in them, so lets jump straight to the finished pictures

First 10 guys, they are not a "legal" unit for 2nd edition, but after I paint the next batch I will end up with 2 legal Tactical Squads



Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Splendid Dan, really do like these but please take a few more pics, showing then off. Cant wait to see the Rhino variant complete.


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Those look amazingly good!


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Every detail is excellent, the colours and excecution are splendid and really bring the best of those sculpts and the camo pattern is just right when it could have been messy or overdone. I'd really want to see the future squads.
Whoever would complain about this one not being "legal" in terms of army list would spoil the chance to play against a gorgeous army (which should be considered a crime really).


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Thanks very much for the comments guys, very encouraging.

The squad is only not legal as there are two heavy weapons, should be one special weapon and one heavy, but like I say, this will be sorted with the next batch of guys.

Just made a start on the leader dude last night so hopefully I can crack him out quite quickly


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Could be a Devastator squad with "up to 4 heavy wpns" ;)


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Thanks for the comments Chaps!

here are a few little updates for you....nothing finished yet but it keeps the ball rolling dunnit

wip paint job on the leader guy, not really sure what his role is going to be yet but i like the miniature


Sorry for the blurry Pic below but its just to give you an idea, these are just the base coats, the Grey section will eventually be white with a Griffon on it


Will hopefully be doing a bit of work on this guy later tonight, so fingers crossed it wont be long before I have a finished pic to show you


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Right, here is the start of another build.

I mentioned earlier that I didn't want any overly elaborate standards or anything like that as my guys are supposed to be soldiers in space rather than Monastic Knights in space. Anyway after a conversation with Warcanvas about what I was going to do for an army standard (they give a bonus to your troops in 2nd edition) I set about looking for some inspiration.

It wasn't long before I spotted the below image while browsing through the 1990 Fantasy Miniatures book


The guy with the Standard perfectly fits my idea of what I would like my standard bearer to look like, so I set about making my own. My version isn't as extensively converted as the guy in the picture as I will not be removing the miniatures existing arm.

I started by Drilling a 1.6mm hole in his hand, trying to get the angle of the hole as close to the pictured version as possible without ruining the existing hand


I then used the Drill bit to cut a pocket into the guys chest where the banner pole could rest, this also allowed me to get closer to the desired angle, the pic below shows the channel that was cut


I then test fitted the banner pole material - I will be using 1.6mm brass rod. this is the angle I managed to achieve. I will re-sculpt the hand slightly when the brass rod is glued in so that it looks a bit more natural


finally, I scoured my bits box for something to use as a banner topper, unfortunately the only suitable thing i could find was from my Leman Russ figures backpack and I'm not cutting that up! So instead I have attempted to make a 2 part press mould out of Oyumaru and filled it with Procreate putty. I have never used this stuff before so hopefully it works.


And that Cliffhanger is where we will leave it tonight ;)
Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Looking good mate!

I love that picture!! Your army is really shaping up nicely!


Re: Rogue Trader Space Marines - Howling Griffon Sigmar VI C

Splendid stuff Dan, hmmm I think the banner pole is a little too thick, maybe drop down to a 1.2mm or 1mm pole. However darker the pole is the thiner it will look, bit like when you wear black...