Rogue Trader Fauna? Interest?


Obscure Creator":3kposfx9 said:
Those metal magic beastmen/goats are trully amazing!
I have afew of them , my only concern is they are a bit out of scale , are purely 28 mm , and looks tiny compared with even a regular imperial guard.
Thats why I would like to try one someday.

Hmm, that's not so good, has anyone got any comparison pictures?

On topic OC, my vote is for more of what you've been doing rather than flora and fauna. I'm happy to scratch build or create stats for models I've already got, I don't have the skill to do that for renegade marines :)


The Phagon aren't that short next to other classic figures but they are more closer too 25mm more then 28mm.

Side Note:

Jona's ones are some of my favourite painted Phagons atm :)


To be honest, I don't have a problem with the scale of the Phagon. After all, who can say what size a space beastman is? I find it a bigger problem that the humans from the Spacelords range are not compatible with GW sized miniatures.


Link to my blogpost about my Phagon Army:

But I won't complain if you do some beastmen :grin:
Nice plants, Curtis. :) Didn't realise you sold them. I bought a couple of boring machines and a few other minis from you a few years ago (great terrain and objective markers), was tempted to get some more stuff but postage costs would've been a bit much. I see now your webstore's got free shipping so I may have to be back for some scenery soon...

Obscrue Creator, I think basically whatever old-school-inspired stuff you produce will find a buyer here. Personally I would be more up for one-offs of fun models rather than variants of squads/regiments but I know there is a variety of opinions on that here so whatever floats your boat. :)
Blue in VT":59tqzu9d said:
I would be VERY interested in some cool mounts for the original chaos mounted renegades! I personally think they look a little out of place on the big plastic horses from back in the day...they need some proper 40k chaos mounts!

I would also love to see your take on some renegades.





Jonas":uqs00toe said:
To be honest, I don't have a problem with the scale of the Phagon. After all, who can say what size a space beastman is? I find it a bigger problem that the humans from the Spacelords range are not compatible with GW sized miniatures.

Exactly. The Phagon beastmen are a fraction smaller than the RT beastmen, but I couldnt care less: it doesnt matter in this context.

Although they Spacelord stuff is slightly retro in sculpt style (not usually an issue on this forum...) the Phagon beastmen are very charming sculpts, they are inexpensive and the batch that I got from Doug at EM4 were without exaggeration the best quality metal castings that I ever got from any manufacturer. Seriously, if anyone wants sci-fi beastmen then they really should just buy a load of those cheap little gems.

Jonas":uqs00toe said:
But I won't complain if you do some beastmen :grin:

Definitely no complaining from me. They are not top of my wants list (things that I cant get elsewhere are), but judging the quality of OCs work so far I would definitely want any space beastmen that he sculpted.