Program: WFB3 - Army Builder


Hi All,

Resident thread necromancer here.

I have a general question about Army Builder which may also pertain to WFB 3rd rules as well.

I bought Army Builder awhile ago to take away some of the stress of remembering all the rules from list making for casual games. What I can't seem to figure out is how to get a hero greater than 20th level or a Wizard greater than 5th level. I'm restricting my lists to Warhammer Armies and 1500pts. Sometimes I do unrestricted, but I still get the block for the higher level characters.

I can't figure out if it has to do with the percentage of points for various areas of the army, (ie troops versus characters) or if it's something else?

I'm intending to do a read of the manual and ABCreator tutorial to add things like Repeater Bolt Throwers and Snotling Pump Wagons, but just wondering if there's something obvious that I'm missing.

Thanks in advance,



Hi All,

It appears I may have found the solution to my own question.

Army Builder seems to select heroes at 20th Level and Mages at 5th Level by default. If you try to click on another box it is "grayed" out.

If you uncheck the current box all the options become live, and may display red. You can now add them to your roster.

I still haven't figured out how to add the Repeater Bolt Thrower Stats. But I can figure that out in due course.




New issue,

I seem to be having some sort of error that won't allow WFB 3rd to load into Army Builder. (I don't have the screencap online so I'll paraphrase).

Syntax Error in 'validation' script for 'heWHLA' on line 1
-> Tag 'HEHelper.WEHA' not defined

Then one for something called DEHelper.XeMagicl and a bunch for 'Class.ChaosDwarf'

I thought maybe it was a problem caused by me trying my own Army Creator file, so i removed that from the Program Data file. That didn't help. I then updated to wfb2.5, hoping that might be the issue. Nope.

Just hoping someone here might have an idea. The Lone Wolf site doesn't seem to have an easy way to ask for support.



Hi Sean,

Just re'import the wfb2.5 data files and select the option "Delete files not updated by import (recommended)". This should create new and clean install and eliminate any conflicts you might have.



Hi Dreamfish,

Thanks for getting back to me so quick. I did have the (recommended) box checked when I imported V2.5, it still doesn't work.

As a lark I thought I'd revert back to V2.4 and the program appeared to work again, although it said I had made my previous rosters with a newer version.

This is the error I get:

To be honest I'm not sure why.

I suppose I could just keep using 2.4, but i thought I was up to date. I downloaded and imported 2.5 this morning, but if the program is to be believed it was already using it. I got the download from your dropbox.

If you have any other thoughts, let me know.




Turns out they were actual bugs in the data files. I'm not sure why I haven't noticed it earlier. I've applied a fix and uploaded the new data files. You can download the fixed 2.5 version here




I wonder if they did some kind of update to Army Builder that caused the problem. Weird that it cropped up like that because I think I did update to 2.5 and use it several times before this glitch.

Thanks again for getting back so fast and for doing this project in general. It's nice to be able to see different permutations of lists.

I am also trying to figure out how to add some of the special weapons like Repeating Bolt Thrower and Snotling Pump Wagon, which are listed in the Armies book, or a Greater Demon to my chaos army, which is not in the book.

If there is a way I can help add that to later versions, please let me know.




Not sure what happened, but suddenly I had the exact same issue.

You can find the "Snotling Pump Wagon" under the Orcs & Goblins roster and the "Repeating Bolt Thrower" can be found under the Dark Elves roster. Just double click it in the available units list.

Greater Demons or demons in general are not yet available.

Version 2.5 contains WA, all WD errata and almost all of RoC.

Finishing RoC is quite a challenge because of the irregularities between StD and LatD. At the time I made an excel sheet comparing the original army lists of all four armies and proposed modified army lists in an attempt to streamline all four army lists more occording to the StD army list style. Somewhere along the line I lost my mind.

Another idea is implementing the complete WFB bestiary into AB. Adding options to enable or disable WFB, WA, WD or RoC restrictions/units. Allowing the user to choose whatever units he or she wants to use and letting the user decide whether or not any restrictions between races/units should be maintained. This option is a lot easier to achieve.

I've attached the Excel sheet to this post if you're interested.



  • Chaos Army
    22.2 KB · Views: 3


I'm very interested.

That last option seems like a dream come true.

I can't promise to be fast, but I'll take a look at the spread sheet and see if I can make a contribution.


It seems Dropbox stopped supporting the public folder. The files have been moved to a more permanant location and all links are updated. Thank you mentioning it mubo.


I am looking for a solution to convert the Data Army Builder about WFB3 to BSData for Battlescribe or New Recruite. Idea ?