Program: WFB3 - Army Builder


I noticed I've never made a proper thread for this one. It's mentioned somewhere under the remote requirements thread, but you really have to look for it. It might be worth looking into for those unfamiliar with it.

Army Builder is a software product created by Lone Wolf Development. I quote from their website:
Lone Wolf Development":14d2e12k said:
Army Builder streamlines the creation of army lists, providing "point-and-click" simplicity and virtually eliminating mistakes. Instead of spending an hour to create a roster, it now takes a few minutes. Army Builder's validation engine constantly checks your roster against the rules for the game, flagging any errors with pinpoint accuracy.
Since Army Builder takes care of the math for you, you can quickly experiment with different ideas and refine your army list. Add a new item, subtract some models from a unit, change the rules for the roster - Army Builder instantly recalculates points totals and revalidates the roster, allowing you to make changes in seconds.
When your roster is complete, Army Builder can print out an invaluable "quick reference sheet" for use during game play, saving time and reducing costly errors. Between games, you can harness all this power and easily experiment with new army ideas.
The software allows so called data file authors to create data files for virtually any point-based system. The data file central shows a list of all the currently available point-based systems for Army Builder. Anyone can become a data file author. Being a programmer myself I thought it fun to create the data files for Warhammer Fantasy Battles 3rd edition. Little did I know that this "fun" project would take years to finish. The first version was published in October 2010. I believe I started somewhere in 2009.

Here you can download the latest version of the Warhammer 3 Army Builder files.

Here you can find the Warhammer Fantasy Battles 3rd edition topic on the Lone Wolf Development forum.

Here you can find a Realm of Chaos army builder demo of Ellen Degenerate


Just to fully recommend this piece of software and Dreamfish's files. Not only do they make list writing easy but the list they generate is awesome too. All your stats listed out nicely and in order, all advanced rules clearly summaries.


Even though i don't use Army Builder ($40 is too rich for my blood) I'm happy to see this thread, anything to help playing WhFB3 is a boon :)


Looks good mate..
Does the RoC army builder come in the 1.65 version as I could not see a link to it on the blog site..
Also do I need version 2 or 3 of army builder to run this?



Mutantdale":3rsau6vz said:
Looks good mate..
Does the RoC army builder come in the 1.65 version as I could not see a link to it on the blog site..
Also do I need version 2 or 3 of army builder to run this?

The RoC books are partially implemented in version 2.0 (which is the latest version). Here's the link to all the available versions.

You need at least Army Builder version 3.1 to run the WFB3 data files. AB2 data files are not compatible with AB3. There are WFB3 data files for AB2, but they are not made by me but by Ken Krout. He runs the WFB3 Yahoo group. The AB2 data files can downloaded from there.


Are they still doing the yearly renewal thing? And does it come in a (legally) downloadable version? My most recent laptop does not possess a cd-rom drive :lol:


ardyer":3pz1okuf said:
Are they still doing the yearly renewal thing? And does it come in a (legally) downloadable version? My most recent laptop does not possess a cd-rom drive :lol:
I remember reading some change in their license policy, but cannot remember where I read that. The website should contain the most recent info on this. You can download AB from their website and even use the data files for free. The only limitation is you have a maximum of 3 units per roster and you cannot export the rosters you create.


I haven't renewed my subscription but can still use the program as before. I think I just can't down load any official lists anymore.


Erny":1qgr22sv said:
I haven't renewed my subscription but can still use the program as before. I think I just can't down load any official lists anymore.
You can use it indefinitely as long as you don't upgrade Army Builder. Only in the initial year you'll receive free product updates. Official lists can stil be downloaded manually by downloading them from the data file central and if you're just planning on using AB for WFB3, you won't really need any product updates.


I've removed some incorrect drivel I wrote this morning about the Undead list in Army Builder being wrong. There are errors in it but they're not as bad as I first thought. Even so I'm not a fan of Army Builder for a number of reasons I won't go into but for what they charge you get a very amateur piece of software with a usable interface. If it was £10-£15 I could overlook a lot of the problems but I'll stick to my spreadsheet for now. :)


bug16":37g0rul7 said:
The one I can remember was Necromancers couldn't select Chaos Armour.
I think that's correct. According to the WA (Warhammer Armies) rules only Chaos Sorcerers can wear Chaos Armour. A Necromancer is basically a Human gone evil and not associated with Chaos. The alternative MA (magic armour) for non-chaos evil aligned races would be Galvorn Armour and Mithril Armour for goodly aligned races.

To select it, you first need to have normal armour by selecting either LA (light armour) or HA (heavy armour). This is because magic armour is added to the normal armour of its type. Once you have a character which can have magic armour abilities and has armour, you can select Galvorn Armour by selecting the magic armour button.


Dreamfish":2n8zkumf said:
bug16":2n8zkumf said:
The one I can remember was Necromancers couldn't select Chaos Armour.
I think that's correct. According to the WA (Warhammer Armies) rules only Chaos Sorcerers can wear Chaos Armour. A Necromancer is basically a Human gone evil and not associated with Chaos. The alternative MA (magic armour) for non-chaos evil aligned races would be Galvorn Armour and Mithril Armour for goodly aligned races.

To select it, you first need to have normal armour by selecting either LA (light armour) or HA (heavy armour). This is because magic armour is added to the normal armour of its type. Once you have a character which can have magic armour abilities and has armour, you can select Galvorn Armour by selecting the magic armour button.

That's not how I interpreted it. :) I'll have a check when I get home. :grin:


And surprise surprise you're right! :) It's amazing how your mind can selectively ignore things when you read! ;)


bug16":1j0hh6qi said:
And surprise surprise you're right! :) It's amazing how your mind can selectively ignore things when you read! ;)
I know, I flipped through the WA book so many times it completely fell apart. Luckely for me, I bought two copies. If you remember more "errors" please let me know. I'm really enjoying this ;)


Dreamfish":274bnhho said:
bug16":274bnhho said:
And surprise surprise you're right! :) It's amazing how your mind can selectively ignore things when you read! ;)
I know, I flipped through the WA book so many times it completely fell apart. Luckely for me, I bought two copies. If you remember more "errors" please let me know. I'm really enjoying this ;)

I think I'll just sit in the corner and be quiet. ;)


Version 2.4 of the WFB3 army builder data files have been published. They can be downloaded through a licensed Army Builder or at the link below. Just open the file with AB and follow the installation instructions.

Version 2.4 is available for download at and includes the following features:

Version 2.4 5th September 2013

  • FIX: Power levels of all wizards were doubled.
  • General: Added separate description for spears when mounted.
  • General: Changed game type "Without Unit Size Restrictions" to "Unrestricted Game".
  • RoC: Fixed Hideous Appearence fear points
  • Dwarfs: Changed minimum required Dwarf Warrior from 20 to 40.

Submitting Bugs
PLEASE include the race the problem occurs with, and any info I need to reproduce it (e.g. units to add etc.). You can report bugs on our blog or here.



Version 2.5 of the WFB3 army builder data files have been published. They can be downloaded through a licensed Army Builder or at the link below. Just open the file with AB and follow the installation instructions.

Version 2.5 is available for download at and includes the following features:

Version 2.5 10th March 2016

  • FIX: Manticore max fly range from 2 to 24 inch.
  • FIX: Removed +1 save when mounted on war beast
  • General: Added all spell summeries.
  • General: Added compatible Chaos Dwarf army list from 4th/5th edition.
  • High Elves: Added compatible units from 4th/5th edition.
  • Dark Elves: Added compatible units from 4th/5th edition.

Submitting Bugs
PLEASE include the race the problem occurs with, and any info I need to reproduce it (e.g. units to add etc.). You can report bugs on our blog or here.
