Prancing chaos centaurs


I'm nearly done with these chaps of no particular chaotic allegiance. They were so much fun to do that I thought I would share them with you all. The one holding a bell still needs some more work, the shields need to be done and then I also have to finish the bases. Well, its a Work in Progress.


That's a bit nice, love the pink zebra and the panther, very colourfull and proper RoC Chaos, what are the base miniatures, I recognize some parts here and there but no clue what the basis is


Insanely good work! You dared to make some risky colour combinations and they work wonderfully. Great!


I'm not completely sure how the compare to the old Citadel Chaos centaurs - I don’t have any in my collection. However, I do think these Guys are a bit more slender and perhaps slightly taller than the Citadel ones. But, as I said, I'm not sure about this. But they probably more or less match up.

Don Hans

Soooooo nice! Love the colors and patterns. Pink zebra and great work on the Leopard pattern. Inspirational!

What miniatures are these? Converted Citadel?



Very nice! Only slight niggle is the transition isn't very smooth from torso to horse body on the brown/green and zebra/grey guys. It might have worked better if you had done the torso in one of the colours of the pattern on the zebra horse body - and also if you did green zebra stripes or other patterning on the green/brown one. But as I said, it's not really a problem. Great looking dudes and the leopard pattern is fantastic!


Martin":337elb7z said:
I'm not completely sure how the compare to the old Citadel Chaos centaurs - I don’t have any in my collection. However, I do think these Guys are a bit more slender and perhaps slightly taller than the Citadel ones. But, as I said, I'm not sure about this. But they probably more or less match up.

I think you're right. They look a bit skinny just based on the bases.