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Piscean Warrior !!

Here he is!



Its 7'5 GBP for those who don't know.

PM me interested please.
Sorry bit not this time , it looks like obviously because he's carrying a las pistol, but not from any kit or existing mini.
Also those minis from forgeworld are resin and I'm using sculpey wich needs to be baked , so resin will melt.
If you look to the pics you will notice my gun is not as "perfect" as the one from forgeworld or Imperial guard plastic kits , the lines the edges, its always hard to
achieve that finishment level with sculpey.

So you can be in pace ;)

Zhu Bajie

Obscure Creator":nmggl9q6 said:
Sorry bit not this time , it looks like obviously because he's carrying a las pistol, but not from any kit or existing mini.

If so it's a pretty exact copy, even down to the weird diagonal slot on the magazine cartridge, slots and rivets. :o

Those stright lines are similar because IT'S the shape of a lasgun , but some ribets are not the same size or deep , I have a plastic gun here from the imperial guard to use as guide and even the size is different.
The one in the Piscean is a tad small.
Anyway , I admit on the Minotaur chainsaw , but I can't do on something that it's not.
Please give me a break , you can take a look on the final mini "in hand" and you'll see its not the same piece you mentioned.

Zhu Bajie

For me it's really too close, the proportions and details match 1:1, even if it's not the same model part that's been smoothed out a bit, it's design very heavily copies the GW original - and that in itself is a problem. Really not trying to give you a hard time, I want you to succeed and keep making these seriously great models. I do not want you to have C&Ds off GW in 3 months time and have to face that.

I think he might look even better with an organic-tech tyranid like weapon ;)
Ok , I understand your point , while I don't know how you can say the proportions are 1:1 while there's no other gun to compare with in the pic... :?
Anyway , untill I make some changes or something on it , I'll edit the pics to hide the weapon , so no one can feel it "too close" to the original.


Zhu Bajie":3pgeo9ed said:
For me it's really too close, the proportions and details match 1:1, even if it's not the same model part that's been smoothed out a bit, it's design very heavily copies the GW original - and that in itself is a problem. Really not trying to give you a hard time, I want you to succeed and keep making these seriously great models. I do not want you to have C&Ds off GW in 3 months time and have to face that.

I think he might look even better with an organic-tech tyranid like weapon ;)

The Las pistol was my favorite part!

Zhu, the thing to remember though is he's in Spain. Spain dies not have same copyright policies that we have. I'm not sure if it's a law or enforcement issue, but they don't. I forget the name of the company (Pegaso or Andrea, maybe?) but they routinely lift likenesses from far more litigious companies than GW and escape by being in Spain.

Now, molding the chainsword would probably cross that line, but sculpting something similar is less likely to (in Spain).

Now, take all of the above with a big ol' hunk of salt add I am definitely not licensed to practice law in Spain.


Zhu Bajie":1zxcz5vd said:
I think he might look even better with an organic-tech tyranid like weapon ;)

You don't want to go all spongebob squarepants but maybe a coral -looking gun or something in that vein coud have done. or maybe a classical B-movie sort of gun (example from fallout) :


Maybe you can keep the idea for the leader ;)
Whether it's a close match or not, have to say it would look better holding something a bit more non-human in terms of weaponry. perhaps something that you wouldn't immediately guess the function of if you say it?
Ok , as this one is already done and close, I'll consider making a variant for those who want some of them on a squad or similar.
Some heavy weapon, different gun , leader...
If theres interest for it of course.


Asslessman":1u6sj0jf said:
Zhu Bajie":1u6sj0jf said:
I think he might look even better with an organic-tech tyranid like weapon ;)

You don't want to go all spongebob squarepants but maybe a coral -looking gun or something in that vein coud have done. or maybe a classical B-movie sort of gun (example from fallout) ...

Maybe you can keep the idea for the leader ;)
Huh... the Pisceans aren't all that different from you and me. The original was carrying some sort of clip-fed slug-thrower with a couple of spare magazines strapped to his tummy just in case:

[ Click to Enlarge ]


psiekier":209czatj said:
Asslessman":209czatj said:
Huh... the Pisceans aren't all that different from you and me. The original was carrying some sort of clip-fed slug-thrower with a couple of spare magazines strapped to his tummy just in case:
The clip fed slug thrower is known as a bolter in some places ;)

Fishmen and humans are not that diferent I agree, it is because at the time eldars had stub guns, marines and squats had shuriken catapults, orks even had power armours and zoats had tyrannid flamers , power gloves and missile launchers. Muy point is that at the time te hlist of weapons was very limited and almost evenly distributed oevr all the races. Now things have changed quite a bit...
It was a conviniency for sculptors who could use pre-made weapons and it was a conviniency for designers who could did not have to focus on creating brzilliions of weapons with basically similar effects

What we mean here is to use the opportunity for further variants to have proper "fishman" weapons (even if in terms of game they could be used as a regular bolter or shuriken catapult, whatever...)

Zhu Bajie

ardyer":1qkulhqi said:
Zhu, the thing to remember though is he's in Spain. Spain dies not have same copyright policies that we have. I'm not sure if it's a law or enforcement issue, but they don't.

You're quite correct, I'm clueless about Spanish law, or that of China or Russia (and not all that much more clued in about the UK or US if I'm honest ;) ). However, this advert and online-ordering system (via PM) isn't hosted in Spain, and rightly or wrongly I feel a duty of care in respects to that. Also the products are being advertised to an international market, not just within Spain, so there are several layers of international law to contend with. I mean, Stormtrooper Helmets, so who knows, right?

Either way if OS wants to test GWs resolve in pressing a copyright case in Spain, that is entirely his decision, personally I'd recommend against it (which is what I'm doing), especially if it's avoidable - which I think it is, OS is talented and creative enough to do more than copy other peoples work.

Obscure Creator":1qkulhqi said:
Ok , I understand your point , while I don't know how you can say the proportions are 1:1 while there's no other gun to compare with in the pic... :?

Cheers. I could post measured comparison pics, showing how close the two are but I'm not going to, because I think that would be totally counter-productive, I don't want to give fuel to the enemy!


First, I apologize to everyone else for more copyright discussion. I'm a major IP nerd so what can I say...

Zhu Bajie":3brtnltz said:
You're quite correct, I'm clueless about Spanish law, or that of China or Russia (and not all that much more clued in about the UK or US if I'm honest ;) ). However, this advert and online-ordering system (via PM) isn't hosted in Spain, and rightly or wrongly I feel a duty of care in respects to that. Also the products are being advertised to an international market, not just within Spain, so there are several layers of international law to contend with. I mean, Stormtrooper Helmets, so who knows, right?

Either way if OS wants to test GWs resolve in pressing a copyright case in Spain, that is entirely his decision, personally I'd recommend against it (which is what I'm doing), especially if it's avoidable - which I think it is, OS is talented and creative enough to do more than copy other peoples work.

In principle, you're completely right. This is a forum run from a place outside of Spain's jurisdiction, and those areas open it up to enforcement in those countries...both against the sculptor and the hosts. However, most countries (to my knowledge) have a safe harbor rule that largely shields host. GW would first have to send a C&D that was ignored before they could do anything to the site.

Further, even though he may ship these models to the USA and the UK (making him eligible to be sued there), I doubt he's got any assets in anywhere but Spain. This makes him "judgement proof" in those countries.
And as far as suing him in Spain, if that was an option, Andrea miniatures (I went back and checked) has been stepping on the copyrights of companies like Disney and MGM for so long that if it was viable it probably would have happened by now.

Now, all the above is purely a legal discussion. The ethical issues are largely individual and I appreciate that you're offering advice. I'm a big fan of advice-it's saved my ass an incalculable number of times!

And on that note, if anyone wants a 54mm Captain Jack Sparrow, Andrea makes a very nice "1650 buccaneer" that bears a striking resemblance :lol:


Asslessman":2n8dolbs said:
What we mean here is to use the opportunity for further variants to have proper "fishman" weapons (even if in terms of game they could be used as a regular bolter or shuriken catapult, whatever...)

My vote is for a Flechette type gun, known among the Fishmen as a 'Descaler' ;)


i think he looks great. I would like to keep with the old RT spirit where everyone could have the same weapons or totally different if they wanted.

Alternatively maybe do just the hand with no wepaons and people can supply whatever they like.


And on another note. I would love to see more Pisceans. Ideally I would want a squad of 10 different poses ;)