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Orctober Fest

Fimm McCool

ORCTOBER- the return!

Ok guys, it's that time of year again! I missed out on all the fun last year so this year I fully intend to take advantage. In fact, to compensate I am planning a whole RT Bad Moon Orktober force for this month, pics when I have some.

Anyone else in for some Orcish or orkish month of mayhem? :twisted:


Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Dude, not only did I PM Erny a week or so ago to check if we were having Orctober 2 this year, but I am also planning on painting... a whole RT Bad Moon Orktober warband for the occasion...

I was waiting for Erny to announce the start of it but hey, he's been slacking off for 16 hours now :lol:

All I can say for now (apart from what I've already said) is that I will paint 13 orks for Orctober since I was born on the 13th of october. I hop eall those who didn't paint their BOYLdrick wil lhave the decency to do so for Orctober :grin:

Fimm McCool

Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Hooray! By that logic I only have to paint 9 Orks...

But I have the whole plastic Ork Boyz box (still on sprues), plus a goodly amount of metal minis to get through, hooray! I look forward to seeing how your Bad Moonies turn out! :)



Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm pleased to announce the start of this years Orctober Fest. Please feel free to post orc related stuff here if you don't have a blog!



We have our first post already from Asseless :

Perhaps I should keep a list of posts here?

Any way, Waaaagh or something.

Oh and thanks to Zhu for the awesome Picture he has agreed to let us use for our green festivities.


Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

I have a few orcs that need to be finished off so will chip in with a small WHFB warband. Although I was born on the 26th which, whilst it was great for having birthdays in half term, is less so now as there's no way I'm going to paint 26 figures in a month. Maybe 2.6, might even round it up to 3... :grin:
Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

I´ll join in with a unit of Rugluds Orcs, or better I hope it´ll be enough for a unit, the more the better... :lol:

Fimm McCool

Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

barney_leadhead":2i2q7ib4 said:
Is this strictly for Orcs only or do Goblins count too?

If Mr A is getting away with

Asslessman":2i2q7ib4 said:
I hop eall those who didn't paint their BOYLdrick wil lhave the decency to do so for Orctober :grin:

then I guess gobbos count too.
Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Happy Orctober Everyone!
Thanks to Erny for starting this mess, and to Zhu, who designed a most excellent banner for it.
Speaking of Zhu, if you haven't read his excellent exposition on the origin of the word "orc", you should check it out here:

My first Orctober post is sort of complementary -- with the help of some other Oldhammer miniature painters, I've tried to describe and illustrate the evolution of physiognomy:

Here's a pic of one of my favourite Kev Adams orcs:



Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Errm, could we merge the 2 threads together (Erny's in the general discussion and this one) just so it's easier to keep track of wahat people do? :grin: Mods...please?


Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Hold on, hold on... We're doing a celebration of everything green and orcish? Awesome!

That's additional motivation for me to work on my greenskins! So i'll be joining this orctober!


Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Hehe, I actually have a few RT era orc boys needing some paint :mrgreen:
Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

I'll be unleashing the power of Gorkamorka this month, with a bunch of newly bashed-together vehicles just begging for a lick of rust. If you're all good and eat your greens, i might finally paint my Mr Potato Dread too ;)

Fimm McCool

Re: ORCTOBER- the return!

Asslessman":a3uuxmur said:
Errm, could we merge the 2 threads together (Erny's in the general discussion and this one) just so it's easier to keep track of wahat people do? :grin: Mods...please?

Sorry Ern, didn't mean to steal your thunder but I've been waiting almost a whole year for this! :)