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Oldhammer salvation army


Alright, Whiskey Priest has recently let go one of his unloved models for the reaosn it wouldn't get any attention otherwise. Th emodel was too nice not to get some paint and I took it from him and painted it.

Model as offered :


Model painted :


Now I know we ALL have plenty of those half-done conversions that fill our desks and drawers. We've all thought they'd be the best modle of all time until we moved on to some other super cool stuff.
I say we need to stop this.
I say we need to end this consumerism.
I say a modle should never be neglected.

The aim of this thread will be to gather pictures of models converted but not painted or half painted or just incomplete in some way (or broken) that their owner won't finish for some reason.

I welcome each and everyone of you to post here those models you would have loved to finish but just didn't so that someone can pick them and finish them for you.

Basic rules to this thread will be simple :

- Models posted here must have been started (conversion, painting) and left unfinished for some time.

- People who are willing to get one of the models posted must commit to painting them in priority to their own schedule (that's the main point, you don't want the models to just gather dust in some other place)

- Details about who keeps the model or who pays for PnP is totally up to the people making the deal

I will sort out and post the models I would want to see finished but honestly won't finish just to give this a push !
OK, I'm gonna kick this off with a big old photo dump. All kinds of stuff here. Anybody interested just let me know.

Don't what this guy was supposed to be, some kind of admech sound specialist GONE


2 headed mutie



Fleet officer fencing

Possessed/mutant GONE

Again, haven't a clue GONE

Battle psykerGone

Short legged sniper

A trio of savage chaos typesGone
I said I didn't want the bighead mutant on your blog and I'm glad I didn't take him. JB has done an absolutely astounding job with the little guy.

But I am really interested in using the admech sound specialist if I may.


This is excellent, I've sorted out theones I have but couldn't take a picture.

Remember guys that as soon as you take one model, you commit before gods and men to paint it ASAP, no procrastination on those ! :twisted:


Right then, I've dug out a small selection of likely contenders!

Chaos Dwarf with a boar's head. WIP since 2011

Pair of Blood Bowl Hobgoblins (could easily be repurposed as something 40k). WIP since 2012

RT mercenary. WIP since early 2013

Jordie Le Frog. WIP since 2007!


Captain Crooks":9mslyh5w said:

There's a bit of repair work needed where the original right arm was - I never got round to sorting it out. If you're up for it, he's yours :) PM me your address and I'll pack him up.


Have to say I could have been tempted by Colin's admech and Jordie Frog. Captain, you understand that you have to give the Slaan a giant synthesiser right? (and mount it atop a massive car) => Keyboard Toad
My plan was to make him a hover-car shaped suspiciously like a mini USS Enterprise. Synthesizer will be taken under advisement... ;)


If it's not already gone I feel I could do something with the boar-headed chaos dwarf. At the very least some fancy RoC 'stylee' sculpted pig-faced shield action.

I'll enter the loft and see what horrors I can dig out to add to this at the weekend.


Mostyn":6cwzo16x said:
If it's not already gone I feel I could do something with the boar-headed chaos dwarf. At the very least some fancy RoC 'stylee' sculpted pig-faced shield action.

I'll enter the loft and see what horrors I can dig out to add to this at the weekend.

Absolutely - PM me the address :)
Great idea !
Im rather new on this board but I do have an unpainted Eldril Sidewinder on my shelves and I feel I cant do him justice.
If any good soul is attracted to this handsome fella...

btw Hi Axiom, Im kharpeth from TFF ;)

whiskey priest I would like to have a go at your possessed/horned mutant if you're not averse to french paint !
Lol, the blessed Asslessman is from your neck of the woods and I love his paint! If you want him he's yours! Just PM your address and we'll sort things out.

Fimm McCool

GuttedRunner":1l2eh43s said:
Great idea !
Im rather new on this board but I do have an unpainted Eldril Sidewinder on my shelves and I feel I cant do him justice.
If any good soul is attracted to this handsome fella...

Stunning mini. I'll give it a go for you if you like. :grin: