Old school in a new school way (AOS)

Really like the paint job, and looking forward to seeing the zombie dragon done. Where is it in that queue?

I am not sure about round bases in fantasy but am thinking that it would work nicely on my chaos ratmen army. I think round bases would look and work really well with their mass undisciplined attack. But my empire or high elves, think they'll stay on square (regimental) bases.

AoS has some faults, but allowing for any base type is not one of them.


Not sure when I'll get to the zombie dragon. I think I'll get those other pieces done first

Necromancers got his base. And I was happy to find this old one in a forgotten box. I painted it maybe 15-20 years ago, just needed a rebasing


So far I have remained silenced but I love this thread!
I tried AOS and actually liked it, with the new close combat system that fully depends on what you decide to fight first (for chaos troops thats a whole new level of decision!).
Your project makes me think about expanding my actual V3 warband just enough to be able to fight my friends.

Only thing is, as many stated, I am passed 30 so I prefer square bases for fantasy :lol:

Give us more!
These are looking great.

btw I have loads of those display bases 30,40 and 50 mm lyng around. If you need some send me a pm.


Many thx for kind words. And btw I think most people here passed 30 and 40 even.

Just ordered a large number of bases few days ago, 100 30mm and 50 50mm all for just around 10 pounds. Quite cheap I think. Just need to order 6 80mm from wayland games so I can get my chariots, plague cart and dragon done as well.
But thx for the offer of bases :)

Btw I have around 70 20mm square unslotted ones if anyone should need those