That's right, Age of Sigmar! Shocking...
Amongst my unfinished projects lies a small undead 'army' I never got around to.
1: to few miniatures to actually make an wfb army
2: none of my friends actually play wfb
So when a couple of my friends start talking about buying the age of Sigmar game, and gw releasing free wars rolls for old armies. I see this as an opportunity to make something of my miniatures. the force will consist of 70 skeletons, 6 horsearchers, 2 chariots, plague cart and various hero types. Anyway enough intro, more pictures:
And the vip board:
Amongst my unfinished projects lies a small undead 'army' I never got around to.
1: to few miniatures to actually make an wfb army
2: none of my friends actually play wfb
So when a couple of my friends start talking about buying the age of Sigmar game, and gw releasing free wars rolls for old armies. I see this as an opportunity to make something of my miniatures. the force will consist of 70 skeletons, 6 horsearchers, 2 chariots, plague cart and various hero types. Anyway enough intro, more pictures:
And the vip board: