Glad to see you've figured it out. I can manage a party of five so please do come along Barney. Anyone who can't bring a hero or doesn't have what they want to play let me know and I can sort something out.
I'll give you reach a level 5 hero with randomly determined stats as per the orange book. Equipped as the figure so if you want heavy armour and a fail and shield combo you need that figure. I'll accept non chaotic humans, elves (not dark), dwarves, halflings, gnomes or halforcs.
I'll bash together some rules for rogues and clerics. I won't use the WHFRP rules for this, that’s a different sort of game. I'll make it so all types have their plus points even warriors. I'll let you work out what types you want but a good mix is always in order for a successful dungeon delve. Well if the system is any good it is.
As level 5 heroes typically have few wounds we shall use fate points. These are not exactly extra wounds, use one up and you can reappear when no monsters are in the local area, you got knocked out not killed.
I’ll take the part of Morcar, I don't think that’s how it works in WHQ but I think this should work out fine. We already know the rules. Survive it and you can have a +1 to become a level six hero. There will be treasure, some of it magical.
I'll drop you a PM with address soon, let me know the latest you can stay Mr Rab and we'll work to that as a finish time. I'm guessing travelling time is the biggest issue.