New Zoat mini! With poll :)


I want one (well actually 3)

I strongly suggest you stop throwing such concepts ta us leadheads because we will just want everything... We've seen your skill so we know you're gonna end up with cool stuff, that's a given, but like Theottovonbismark said, I'd rather have you complete one project than to burnout on lots :

Here is the list of priorities for you now (don't see it as whishlisting but more like a guide to help you in the task):

- Space minotaur
- Zoat body with 4 different bodies for RT
- another space minotaur
- some fimir (because they're well advanced and they rock)
- lots of pisceans
- another space minotaur
- fantasy bodies for the zoats

Dave King has the arse cannon and sphincter beast covered...


I'll see if I can help you out tonight for photos, depending on finding the miniatures in question. I have both fantasy and space types but equally too few of both :grin: .
Thanks Erny , both fantasy or space will serve my purposse , also put near the zoat some common mini like a orc or a marine to give me a better idea of the size please.
Asslessman":3bmdrxol said:
I want one (well actually 3)

I strongly suggest you stop throwing such concepts ta us leadheads because we will just want everything... We've seen your skill so we know you're gonna end up with cool stuff, that's a given, but like Theottovonbismark said, I'd rather have you complete one project than to burnout on lots :

Here is the list of priorities for you now (don't see it as whishlisting but more like a guide to help you in the task):

- Space minotaur
- Zoat body with 4 different bodies for RT
- another space minotaur
- some fimir (because they're well advanced and they rock)
- lots of pisceans
- another space minotaur
- fantasy bodies for the zoats

Dave King has the arse cannon and sphincter beast covered...

Wow ! Thats a lot! LOL
Trust me guys , I wish I have all the time to do all this stuff I love, but I have to sculpt almost all my time for my company Troll outpost.
BUT , my intention is to complete the 3 No fimir characters ;) and then move onto the Zoats, I can try a Space Minotaur between some of them if a few more people want it :) At least 20 copies , to be clear.
But anyway , Pisceans ,Space Beastmen and Fantasy beastmen, Ambull....they are on the list too :)


Obscure Creator":s2vn5rlc said:
Thanks Erny , both fantasy or space will serve my purposse , also put near the zoat some common mini like a orc or a marine to give me a better idea of the size please.

The Zoat hunt drew a blank last night, I could only find a paint incrusted upper torso of a space zoat. I shall continue the search tonight but if I can't find something on a first pass through the lead mountain it usually means the thing won't turn up for a week or so. If some one else can get you a photo ask them too, you may have a wait from me.

On an aside I did find a blister of 3 Bob Olley harpies that have been lost for a couple of years and all five of my 40K riding lizards in various boxes now together again..
I am sure I have an unpainted fantasy Zoat skulking around my leadpile that I can take some photos of. It may take me a day or 2 to get them up here.

In terms of projects you probably want to be doing the projects that are the most in demand, the Minotaurs with bolters are certainly a cool concept but are no "official" rules for them they are more interesting curiosities than useful models like the notFimir or the notZoats which are needed by people to fill gaps in their collections where they are unable or unwilling to scour the markets over an unreasonably long period of time looking for very specific collectors models.

Having said all that if you want to go for the space minotaurs because it will give you joy to do it then go for it, I think you will certainly sell at least 20 of each model you can make to forum members alone.

If you have a day job also (like me) you will surely have limited time to get sculpting done, so I reiterate that focus on one or 2 ranges is the way to go.


Damn, Seán are you always right? ;)

@Obscure creator : the man is right, Space minos can wait, however, you will definitely sell 20 of them, my renegades (and people form all over the world) demand some tech-assisted savagery :ugeek:
Thanks for the input guys :) ....but the mino wire skeleton is already build so.... hehe , Nah I will just use it to refresh mi mind between other sculpts , I promise :)

Waiting for those Zoats pics mates! ;)
Right all the time :lol: ? Nah I make lots of mistakes all the time which helps with the learning.

I must confess that I have always liked the technominotaurs concept. It seems to be one of those cool ideas that from early on which go shelved in favour of other things. The model would have it's uses in Realm of Chaos games and they certainly suit the kind of loose free form style of gaming that I like to go for these days.
I think that the 2 concept models that got made are a little on the meh side in comparison with modern standards of sculpting so I would like to see some modernisation of the concept - keep the guns for horns though! A cybernetic minotaur with a heavy bolter and twin horns autoguns would be a pretty cool figure which could stand in isolation from any particular range - I doubt that I would want to use more than 1 or 2 of them in a regular game though.

You are certainly doing the right thing getting the 3 Fimir done first!


Obscure Creator, where are you based? I have a WFB zoat that I'd be happy to send your way for scaling purposes, as long as you send it back when you are done.
Hello guys! I'm starting to sculpt the Zoat for rogue trader and I'm wondering , does he need a breather like original ones?
I mean , all of them have one so I assume Zoats can't breath most of the 41 k millenium atmospheres , am I right?


They are a race enslaved by the Tyranids. I always assumed the rebreather was more of a thing they used in space or for combat/control drugs or similar.

I still think it makes them look more sci-fi too, so I would say yes to rebreather masks.


Also very sci-fi. As long as it doesn't look like a Fantasy Zoat with a bolter, then I am sure it will be great.


Obscure Creator":1q6tyrbv said:
My plan is to sculpt one main body (the horse part) and then 1 torso for regular and one torso for the leader. Both for fantasy , then cast them , and them turn both into 40K or RT by adding a lot of futuristic stuff and the possibility to swap weapons , if this minis are casted in resin they will be easy to convert by the people andmake them unique and even use magnets for interchangeable weapons.
If this is still your plan, what keeps you from sculpting both types?
You need heads without rebreather for the fantasy types anyway.
I'll probably making the ones for rogue trader first.
People seems to care a lot more for rogue trader than fantasy , thats the main reason.

Zhu Bajie

What's the possibility of modular?

For the 40k player, Zoats are supposed to be the bulk of Tyranid forces, so to achieve that they need different units, not just 1 or 2 character models (which the classic line does). I'm thinking

*torso (with harness - 40k, without harness fantasy)
*arms (with 40k weapons / without 40k weapons)
*head (rebreather / without rebreather).

So you can mix/match.


I like the one from the concept art because it shows another variant. After all they were tyrannic slaves so the organic equipment only fits to those. I'd love a unit with Axiom's (and its elder equipment) and some with more regular RT stuff just to create a sort of gang of zoat mercs. Otherwise the organic weapo,s is still a good way to go. I'll most probably end up buying every variant.