Necromunda/Confrontation Gang: The Swamp Ratz WIP


Before reading this thread I thought the MIB types I have were from Copplestone, but they are from EM4 actually. Both great ranges and they should go together well. Have my eye on some Hasslefree stuff too.


Heh the Suited blokes do look rather nice, and as the EM4 and Copplestone ones are by the same person i'm guessing they are easy confuse. Also Mirliton have a few different bits and bobs in their ex-grenadier Future Wars range (Nice bikers on choppers) but cost a wee bit more.


A few more Gangers done, and to spite you all a nice picture.. so ha!

Chico":5tc4l8s0 said:
Didn't photo too well, but its meant to look like tights. Front and back is the same.

Ahh OK I get it now. The seam should be just on the back then (although I confess that my knowledge of ladies undergarments is limited to the more...erm..specialist wardrobe)? If you paint her legs like she is a very dark brown skinned girl but use the flesh tone in the hilighting you will get a better tights look I think. Always worth spending a little more time on the females what with the attention they attract from pre-pubescent 30-somethings like us.

I really like those 2 biker dudes, you captured the expression on the bald fella very nicely, I bet he was your favorite to paint.


Yep The line shuld only be on the back side.
Another way to do it is to use some grey and matt medium + water and to apply a very thin coat all over her legs until a certain limit you trace with a strong grey line all around the thigh to show where it ends up. Watering down the mix helps you get a translucent look and therefore not lose the highlights below and the matt medium helps get an even coat everywhere so it doesn't go only in the recesses like any diluted paint would want to... Just my 2 cents on this one.

Apart from that I really like how your gang is coming along Chico.


Heh the seems is based on the pair of the Wife's favourite tights/stockings/leg thingies with a seem both on the front and back, they are almost see though apart from from the doubled seems. It didn't photo very well but it look alot better in the flesh.

Some more work on the Necro (Better pictures too come):




Chico":1b5euhha said:
Heh the seems is based on the pair of the Wife's favourite tights/stockings/leg thingies with a seem both on the front and back, they are almost see though apart from from the doubled seems. It didn't photo very well but it look alot better in the flesh.
Seems you're more lucky whith what the lady wears than myself... :? :oops:

The 3 last guys look very good and could definitely play wasteland nomads or such...
We are lucky to have ladies at all what with our chronic nerd-ism!

Not at all surprised you up-gunned the fella in the middle, he had a pretty weedy pistol.


Thankies, yeah count ourselves lucky we have women with are geeky/nerdy and in the case of Mr Ass Goatism. I'm running the last 3 guys as Scavvies in Necromunda and Scavengers in Combat Zone, In Combat Zone they tend end up as NPC's and make great target practice for my 1%'ers (My Biker Gang).


So I'm now making this my Necro Blog then making a number of smaller Threads.

Started work painting my Van Saar's, The Alpha & Omega:


First 5 Scavvies/Scavengers finished:


And my Swamp Ratz Heavy:



Update time:

3 more Scavengers, this time from Copplestone Castings:


My first Scaly, I have a 2nd on the way from Gorkamunda.



Another Swamp Rat, one again from EM4


First Ratskin, from Demonblade

Cool stuff, looks like you spent more time than normal painting them :o , the Ratskin looks great like that. those EM4/Copplestone figures are some of the best models for Necromunda available, love the Scaly model also. Haven't seen the Ratskin model before, lots of character on him. He would make an excellent hired gun.


That ratskin is cool, no mean feat when surrounded by stone cold classic Copplestone figures. They look great.

I have had those figures sitting around for ages now. I really want to get them painted for numerous uses: Necromunda Gangers, GorkaMorka Diggas, Cursed Earth desperadoes, general techno-barbarian scumbags: very versatile. Maybe I will get to mine in 2014.

What sort of Necromunda terrain do you use Chico? Is it the old card/platic bulkhead buildings or have you made some other stuff?


It's all handmade from plastacard with Necromunda bulkheads.


(This is around half of what we have available)



That Ratskin is fantastic - really nice execution on a lovely sculpt. Pick of a very characterful bunch :)