My Dark Elf Army will destroy you

My Dark Elf army is the greatest power for evil in the greater southwestern Virginia valley area.

I want to start this project log off with a fun video from a few years ago that I always get a kick out of. Not sure if everyone has seen it, but its absolutely hilarious. Not my video, i'm not that funny.

So this one time, I was cruising around the ebay machine and BOOM!

Dark Elf Warriors


Witch Elves


Bolt Throwers, i'm sorry REPEATER Bolt Throwers. Yeah.


Dark Elf Wizard.

There might be a better army somewhere else in the states but I doubt it. This is what it will look like when my Dark Elf army destroys you.



BOOM! Super miniature selection!

And by the way, that video was way too funny!
It makes me wonder if the bound between me and my own army can be compared... I'm afraid it might! :lol:


NICE and of course BOOM!

Sweet looking lot indeed...and a pity that you live in the States, otherwhiles i would be very happy to dort it out on the field who will be the next favourite of our righteous Lord Malekith :twisted:

Anyway, a good motivation to start painting my druchii-army too and looking forward to see your guys 'n gals in colour.

Cheers, Marcus
Thanks everyone, I am expecting a few more Witch Elves in the mail this week and will paint up a test model this weekend.

I still have a lot of RT stuff to wade through before I can go at this project at full steam, but i'm getting there. I have wanted a Marauder Dark Elf Army since I saw an army feature in WD 144, but I was playing Rogue Trader at the time and since I was a kid I had no money! By the time I got into Fantasy it was 4th edition, and while I enjoyed the game I was an Orc and Goblin player. The 4th edition Dark Elves kind of lost the character that the 3rd ed models had and the Orc models at the time were fantastic.
Boom indead :mrgreen:
although I have to disagree with either of those armies being the greatest power for evil anywhere until they at least get one of those temple dogs, now that would be proper evil :twisted:
anyway real nice start, I've never been a big fan of elves but those old dark elves are just so cool (even I cracked and got some for my Realms of Chaos warbands)


The video was very funny. I don't know why I bothered reading any of the comments but there are some people out there with serious irony meter defects.

I love the marauder dark elves, like their orcs they have everything covered to have a marauder only army. I really love coldone riders, you need some of them in your force. Also for back up some marauder undead for your magician to raise and some nice marauder monsters to bind into a host.

As to collecting marauder witch elves heres some motivation (OK and a bit of showing off if you ignore the years old PJ):



The video was very funny. I don't know why I bothered reading any of the comments but there are some people out there with serious irony meter defects.

Please don't let i bother you , it is a common fact that youtube comments are pure and utter trash allways.


bulldoglopez":x1b6xo6w said:
Yeah, ebay. Just keep your eyes peeled, they show up. Four of them were still in the blister.

US eBay obviously?

I check every few days and the barely ever show up from us sellers. There's nothing up right now unless I missed something.

I might suck


Erny":28twihr0 said:
The video was very funny. I don't know why I bothered reading any of the comments but there are some people out there with serious irony meter defects.

I love the marauder dark elves, like their orcs they have everything covered to have a marauder only army. I really love coldone riders, you need some of them in your force. Also for back up some marauder undead for your magician to raise and some nice marauder monsters to bind into a host.

As to collecting marauder witch elves heres some motivation (OK and a bit of showing off if you ignore the years old PJ):



I agree about the quality of the marauder range and the cold ones. I just wish there were a few more unit choices made by them.


Other than the repeater bolt thrower available from the citadel range they produced every troop type. What do you think is missing?


mbh":2xrawx14 said:
bulldoglopez":2xrawx14 said:
Yeah, ebay. Just keep your eyes peeled, they show up. Four of them were still in the blister.

US eBay obviously?

I check every few days and the barely ever show up from us sellers. There's nothing up right now unless I missed something.

I might suck

I keep a series of saved searches that the eBay app for android refreshes every time I launches it. I'll try to remember to send then to you tonight since my office blocks the boards (buy not eBay!). Some are outrageously priced, but a lot are reasonable.


Erny":30is5tt0 said:
Other than the repeater bolt thrower available from the citadel range they produced every troop type. What do you think is missing?

I guess you're right but there are a few missing

Dragon w/ dark elf rider

Pegasus w/ rider

Manticore w/ rider

Cold one chariot


Troops with spears (I know there are a few)

More command models (there is only one set)

Lord character on foot

Sorcerer on foot

Bolt thrower

Troops with double handed weapons

I know there are a few spear elves and a couple of double handed weapons but really not enough for an entire unit. It would be pretty sweet to have an all Marauder army. Some of this stuff is more specific to more recent editions of the game though.
mbh":3jpvncwu said:
bulldoglopez":3jpvncwu said:
Yeah, ebay. Just keep your eyes peeled, they show up. Four of them were still in the blister.

US eBay obviously?

I check every few days and the barely ever show up from us sellers. There's nothing up right now unless I missed something.

I might suck

I check every few days and i'm ready to buy as soon as I see something. Sometimes you just kind of have to get stuff from international sellers. Depends on your budget. I night pick up a few more minis and then swear off buying for the rest of the year. I already picked up a whole mess of Orks and Genestealer cult stuff.

Also, just a general point on collecting. I have kept a small stash of hobby money that I take with me when I go on the road. When I find hobby/game store that have been around a while I go poke through their bits boxes for oldhammer goodies. I think I got five or six of the Dark Elf warriors that way.



it's the budget that kills me. It usually prevents going for international auctions.