Movement Trays

I appreciate the ease they bring to the game when it comes to shoving units across the table, and I like my 10mm versions with the fancy front edges as that seems to suit games with hundreds and hundreds of models per side.

But for my 25mm I find the trays get in the way of the look.
Now, I know that black edged bases does not blend, but it seems more natural than the trays.

I am pondering thin sheets with paper backed static grass mats on them (like my tabletop surface) and simply resting the models on that.
Or maybe flocking the tops of the MDF ones, but am worried about neatness.

What do you all do for trays that do not look 'ugly'?
I don't use them.

If I would, mine would be magnetic sheeting cut to size, as my minis are mostly on metal bases. That means no rim on the outside, movement tray size = unit foot print. Only the height topic would remain.

I think I saw 3d printable trays somewhere online also going by unit footprint. They had small 90° angles or little squares printed on the top side, that would hold a mini's base in place from the inside four corners of the base. Can't find them now with a quick search... That is perhaps also something that could be done with clay, pressing empty bases onto the top, thus creating grooves the unit's bases can rest in. Then you also would need no rim.
Not added any bits of scenic shizz, thinking the odd tuft or leaf, but defo prefer the new tray over the old.




I use them but tend to spray them green, then do the raised edges the same finish as my model bases. In my case this is flock.
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I had been planning to make my next ones from thin plasticard (maybe 1mm) and some 1/4 round styrene extrusion, maybe 2mm radius. I thought that might look quite neat.
I've seen a fair few cases where minis have magnets where the tray is just some steel cut to exactly (or just under) the required size so it's out of sight.

I think yours look quite smart to be honest.
I had been planning to make my next ones from thin plasticard (maybe 1mm) and some 1/4 round styrene extrusion, maybe 2mm radius. I thought that might look quite neat.
I've seen a fair few cases where minis have magnets where the tray is just some steel cut to exactly (or just under) the required size so it's out of sight.

I think yours look quite smart to be honest.

I did this with my 10mm, but 0.25 plasticard. For the 10mm I think they worked really well.

Thanks for the kind words on the bigger versions.
The steel would be ideal, but TBH, more effort and more cost and considering I don't mind these, why bother?



As purely a painter and non gamer I just like how movement trays help tie armies together . I have always painted them up to match my bases but looking at yours I really like the basic black look. Also rising the figures up really looks good so I might have to buy myself some thin plasticard to insert into my trays.
I just make my own. Granted they ain't as neat as a shop-bought one but it's oldhammer so...acceptable in my world.
Plasticard and balsa for the borders though foam might actually be the balsa can be a bit o a tight fit sometimes.

Fimm McCool

I've tried a bunch of designs over the years and never found one I really liked aesthetically. I've settled on nice hardwood rectangles for the moment as they look nice on the shelf, with foam undersides so they move well on the tabletop. It's an ok balance of aesthetics and functionality but I prefer not to use them at all if I only have small units (under 20 models).


I've got a mix of mdf ones from and Middlehammer GW ones. As some of my goblins are on 20mm bases, but some are on 25s. So the trays hold them and upscale the base size, as I couldn't be arsed with re-basing 80 plastic goblins.