ManOWar Elves vs Dwarfs


Ho ho ho and a bottle of grog!

Captain, what’s in grog? Its smells funny and singeing my beard!

Well youngling, it’s a drink to test yer mettle, a recipe passed on from sailor to sailor. Its rum, artificial sweeteners. kerosene, propylene glycol, acetone, battery acid, red dye#2, axle grease and pepperoni to taste. That’s basic grog, there’s also Diet Grog, Cherry Grog, Grog Classic and Caffeine Free Grog. Makes your beard curl….

What was said next was unheard as Captain Snori was skewered by an elven ballista and poor Dori was somewhat traumatized by being covered in grog and his captain’s blood and brains; the Elven fleet springing the trap and unleashing hell upon the Ironclad ‘Prince Ulther’.


The seas began to swarm with the nimble Elven fleet, Hawk Ships darting around out of range of the Dwarven cannons ad Admiral Glodson ordered his fleet full steam ahead to escape back shelter of port and more importantly Barak Varr’s costal battery.


Boom…the Dreadnaughts broadside ripped through and Eagle Ship, hitting the stores of elven hairspray…BOOM!!!! Bits of the Eagle ship rained down as the rest sank to ocean floor as cheers sprang forth from the dwarven flagship. “First catch of the day” Admiral Glodson announced, before ducking to avoid the constant rain launched from the Elven vessels. The bolts stuck an unlucky Monitor sinking it as a majestic Dragon Ship rammed the ‘Prince Ulther’. This was a pitiful attempt to sink the Ironclad, the aloof silver-helmed Elf nobles were somewhat dismayed when the ships ancient truesilver ramming blades forged in dragon fire failed to dent the dwarven solid steel hull. The following boarding action is never talked about again by the Elves beyond the comment ‘it didn’t go well’.

No matter how resilient the Dwarven ships were, and or how savagely their cannons pounded their foes the multitude of Elven vessels took its toll. Davy Boys locker took monitor after monitor then the mighty ‘Prince Ulther’ was breached below the waterline and sank. The Dreadnaught’s engineers struggled to keep the flagship moving as fires broke out all over, this wasn’t looking good. Still the Dragons Ships boarding attempt was the usual pointy eared shambles, with dwarven casualties being limited to a work experience gnome stubbing their toe.

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“The cannons, repair the cannons!” screamed Admiral Glodson as the boiler and paddles were ablaze. They were dead in the water but that didn’t mean they could make some more Elves dead in the sea! BOOM….all guns found targets but despite blowing holes in their foes no more vessels were sunk before the bolts hammering the Dreadnought eventually caused a critical malfunction in the mighty crafts drive train causing explosions to rip it apart. Going down with his ship Glodson wistfully mused to himself that ‘worst things happen at sea’. Tbh not much worse could happen to this fleet as it was now fully sunk.

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