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I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 club

This is a new painting challenge open to everybody. The idea is blatantly nicked from the LAF forum but basically works like this.
You pick a miniature.
You paint it.
You post it here.
You number the your post and the challenge stops when we reach 100.

The theme behind the inaugural challenge is 'I've never painted a.....before'.

Pick a Fantasy race/troop type/figure that you've never painted before and get at it. The mini's can be from anywhere, anywhen and any manufacturer.
The only proviso is that you it is a newly painted mini and not one you've had sitting around for ages. If you are entering please post your figure in this thread first but you can link back to here from where ever you like once that's done. Good luck, can't wait to see the first entry!


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

I've never painted a man o war chaos ship before. I will post pics of how my attempt has started out shortly.

This is a good idea. As someone new to painting there is so much I have never painted.


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

Great idea...I'm going to struggle to find a new subject, but I'll do my best :)


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

I never painted a picture of axiom naked before.. Oh wait I have heh.

I'm in,

I've never painted a Minotaur before, so now is a good time.


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

Chico":2ynihhkk said:
I never painted a picture of axiom naked before.. Oh wait I have heh.

For sharing or personal use only? :)


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

A short addendum or explanation of the rules (or rather, suggestions):
- You don't need to pledge your intent to participate
- You can participate as many times as you'd like, but only once per day.
- You must not post WIP pics of the model anywhere
- The model must not have been posted online before being submitted to this thread.

So, in short - decide what you want to paint and go ahead paint it. Once done, photograph it and post the image here. After that, feel free to post any image of the model anywhere online.


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

phreedh":1m404n3q said:
A short addendum or explanation of the rules (or rather, suggestions):
- You don't need to pledge your intent to participate
- You can participate as many times as you'd like, but only once per day.
- You must not post WIP pics of the model anywhere
- The model must not have been posted online before being submitted to this thread.

So, in short - decide what you want to paint and go ahead paint it. Once done, photograph it and post the image here. After that, feel free to post any image of the model anywhere online.

Wow, happy I read the thread. I was just about to post a work in progress photo.


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

person":hbs2odnj said:
Wow, happy I read the thread. I was just about to post a work in progress photo.
You wouldn't have been disqualified mate, it's all very loosey goosey. :) Besides, it's WP's party - I just butted in with some rules suggestions I felt worked very well on LAF, to give the club a little more exclusivity and feeling of a proper event.

Piers B

Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

Cool... Got loads of 'new' old stuff to paint!

Might start with my first ever Chaos Thug... :twisted:


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

Having given it some careful thought (i.e. I looked in the lead pile), I've decided that I've never painted anything Slaaneshi, and have some Grenadier Chaos Warriors in the leadpile. So it will be that.



Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

whiskey priest":3jpgz4mh said:
The race is on to get be entry number 1
Tough for me, I'm working on 40k models only right now... i'll see about pulling something from my sleeve :grin:
Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

I've an idea for the figure that I want to paint but I couldn't find him last night, I need to have a good search tonight. then attempt to undercoat him in the dark! :?
Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

hello all :)

well this had my mind in overdrive, I have never painted an old school Slann :) it's the only thing I can think off. :?
Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

No.1 - Rildo the crafty. Sneaking out your back door right now!


I've never painted a thief before and to be honest I never normally paint eyes either!


Re: I've Never painted a ....... before - The Fantasy 100 cl

Man you're quick ! :shock:
I sometimes feel surrounded by monsters. It feels like it takes me a whole evening just to block one or two base colours but you guys keep knocking models in a night...
He looks sensas and he will be perfect fro some good dungeon bashing.