I hate thee, Drachenfels.

Mbh; fair point. I wanted something dark and simple to repeat. I'm hoping that when you see them spread out through the whole army they will have more of an impact.

Ti; thanks for those great suggestions. I totally agree with you about the height. Thinking of putting him on a chariot or corpse cart to make him look imposing without using a massive model.

Almost finished one unit of skeletons; I just need to paint the banner.

Thanks a lot, mbh.

I've painted a couple of Iron Claw Skeleton Guard. There are some really lovely details on these models, and I'm looking forward to painting the rest of the unit.


Zhu Bajie

The "D" mark looks great. I had a similar idea for a motif for my skeles and that's convinced me it will work.

Currently reading Drachenfels...
Might be worth a look at some of the Mithril minis for potentials for Mr. Drac. They have similar vibe to the source artwork:


Look at this guy, a little bit of conversion and he could do, so could lots of other models though, I only wish to point you at potentials rather than saying one or another is best:


You probably want to be looking at 32mm models for him either way.
Happy to help :grin: .

This handy blog post should help with judging the scale beside a GW Wight. I quite like this Mithril Wight myself as a Drac, he is very close to the Dunedain mage you were looking at and could easily be used without any converting:


I don't think he is crazy tall or anything but he would be as tall as the Dunedain in any case. The Barrow Wight I mentioned already has the advantage of being a very tall figure if you can deal with the hands and head issues. I guess you could always buy a couple of them as they are all good undead characters really and you will end up paying for postage anyway. The company, Prince August, who sell them have lots of other stuff that might interest you.