I hate thee, Drachenfels.

Hello everybody,

This is the beginning of a project that I have been mulling over for a while now. The question was simple; how can I thematically field all my existing models together while still leaving them as forces with individual identities? The answer was…Drachenfels.

As any ghoul know, Drachenfels was a kind of Old World Dracula; a semi-immortal enchanter who looked down on the Chaos powers but had daemons and mutants in his entourage. He was famously skilled at necromantic magic and used a large undead army to invade Bretonnia, but he fought against Sigmar with a goblin army and used beastmen and ogres to guard the approaches to his castle. Basically, he doesn’t discriminate.

So this is the plan; to paint up the three main forces that I have (undead, goblins & beastmen) as individual armies, and also come up with a way to tie them together as an army of darkness under Constant Drachenfels.

As my first step on this long and lonely road, here is what I have currently painted. I’m quite new to this painting log business, so any comments and criticism will be gratefully received.

Firstly, a skeleton horde (of 8).

My beastmen are heavily influenced by the Realm of Chaos books. I have a small warband dedicated to Nurgle another dedicated to Tzeentch.


Pestigor with Zoological Mutation - Bear.

Tzaangors. I'd be interested to know if people prefer the white or yellow shields.

And on my workbench at the moment.



Yes, a great idea! My own ideas for my 3rd edition army revolve around a similar theme, a sorcerer who has a motley band of follower from the 'evil' races of the world... Skeletons, orcs, goblins, chaos dwarves and other chaos followers.

Looking forward to seeing more of this!
Otto; great idea. I've also got to find a model for the big man himself, his harpy and various hangers-on.

Thanks Orlygg! Do you mean the face-shields? As it was your fantastic RoC website that inspired me to paint those shields in the first place, that would be acceptable. :grin:

Here are a few more.

*edit* Need to clean up the white on those teeth. And the mould lines. It's never-ending!


Nice stuff, Creepy! I love the IC gobbos and you've done them justice and then some! Great shields, did you sculpt those faces yourself?


Simply put, brilliant!

Love the theme. Love the paint jobs (amazing shield work, as already stated). Love the models. Basically, love it!

What did you use for the Beastman bases? The woody effect is ver nice.



Everything in this thread is nice. I will be interested to see which model you pick for Drachenfels. I just finished reading that book for the first time last month. I was very impressed.

I am surprised GW never did any models to go with Drachenlfels as I would love to put a set of the heroes and nemesis together myself.


The drachenfels rpg material bombed, I think he came out to late in the oldhammer period to be taken up, things kiddified very quickly after the first novel came out. I'm guessing he wasn't the direction they wanted to vo.

Nice models creepy, who doesn't like the idea of an evil sorcerer and his mixed bag of an army.


Erny":rni5y3xh said:
The drachenfels rpg material bombed

Erny, would you expand on that. I have it but I've never gotten around to reading it. Trying to figure out if it's worth reading.


It just didn't do very well commercially and had some bad reviews. My understanding was it just didn't really work as either a supplement to the rules or a adventure based on the novel. Give it a read and let me know, I've never bothered buying it.
Thanks all for the comments.

Phreedh; I wish, I can't sculpt for toffee. I got them off the electric bay a couple of years ago. Not sure who sculpted them but I believe they are Citadel.

Antipixi; the bases were really simple, just PVA and dried oregano. My girlfriend's dried oregano to be exact. I'm starting to dread every meal, lest my theft be discovered.

Rob; I really enjoyed the book too. Finding a suitable model is going to be difficult, but the right one will make the project.

I must admit, I've never played the Castle Drachenfels rpg, although I have heard that it was good. I must see if I can pick up a reasonably priced copy for ideas.
I have been playing around with a simple motif for Drachenfels that I can put on some of the shields in my undead units. It would be great to know if people think they work or not.

creepyportrait":cqrugej1 said:
Rob; I really enjoyed the book too. Finding a suitable model is going to be difficult, but the right one will make the project.

I think that is a pretty good emblem design for the shield, there is something suitably egocentric to putting your initials everywhere on your followers. It's like some dread cross between Sauron and Calvin Klein . You could even inlay gold into the "D" for the extra fabulous level troops.

Mr. D is definitely doable as a conversion from some commonly available bits. He needs a theatrical cape though!

Exactly which image(s) of 'Ole Drac do you have in mind for source material? There must be a fair few of them around by now. Show me the images you think nail it.


I think those shields look really nice and well done but something seems off. I guess I'm not a fan of letters on shields.

Ti Pouchon

Excellent idea! The Greta Enchanter and his minions really should make your opponents tremble.

When it comes to source minis for that big D look, I'd like to suggest that height is a key factor. Drachenfels should be a really tall guy. Regal yet not over the top. Completely agree with the "no armor" thing - he's not just an evil wizard, he's THE evil wizard.
Tall guys in splendid robes which come to mind are:

- Moon Head Champion of Tzeentch: getting off the moon face might be tricky but the mini is tall, has easily posable arms and is splendidly arrayed. Too bad he's slouching forward instead of posing regally (http://solegends.com/citcat912/c20267rcchtzeentch-h.htm).

- Varna-Gth the Pestilant: the concealed face is a great base over which to design D.'s evil mask of evil (http://solegends.com/citcat912/c20274rcchaossorcerors-00.htm).

- The Marauder Liche: again, some re-working of the hood could turn that skeletal face into a leering mask. After the staff has been taken off, both arms could easily be repositioned to match the picture (http://solegends.com/marauder/mm51undeadcharacters.htm).

Well, at least those'd be candidates I'd consider if I were to undertake this splendid endeavour. You'll undoubtedly come up with something cool anyway.