Golgfag1's preparations for BOYL 2016


Thanks for the response,

In hope that the 'BIG' game comes off this year (either at BOYL or another venue?), I've been working on a touch of eye candy - sacrificial alter for my chaos horde (scantily clad girls awaiting the attentions of one side or the other!) Oh, and a few Grenadier barbarian types. 8-)


Paul / Golgfag1


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Zhu Bajie

Are you working in the purple flannel as some chaos terrain? It's cool!

As is this badassery:

He's gonna look great with those barbarians and maidens, a real pulp Sword and Sorcery vibe going down. Good show!


Realized, I haven't been working on the guys & galls that would be needed to call the daemon horde into the 'normal' plain of existence, so have been concentrating recent efforts on more 'mundane' types. The flannel is just what was to hand when I took the pictures, nothing more than that, as for the wizard & his bearers - he's sat in my to do box for way too long, but now I've started - he's becoming a bit a star, in my opinion. :grin:
Thanks for the comments, I sometimes think I'm posting to a multitude (from the number of views of this topic), but as no one gives me any feedback to review how well or badly I'm doing; apart from scaring folks with the numbers of what I'm painting (daemons lots of daemons, still over a hundred lesser daemons to paint!)it's been hard to gauge re-action. I originally took up the idea of daemons - following the siege game at BOYL, when someone put a unit of blood-letters on the table, not many, but the howls of foul was interesting; thus, the little grey cells started working - on how I could play daemons without appearing too beardy, hence the push with the painting & hence my recent purchases of two Realms of Chaos books - looking for ideas. Not sure where this will lead, but the endeavour is worth the effort in my opinion. 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


So, this morning I settled down to re-start painting the horde after a pretty long break for various reasons which I'll not go into here; and got as far as this

Then the post came and I found this had arrived -

Which will become something like this

Guess which one is now on my work bench?

Paul / Golgfag1 (A wargaming butterfly) :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Sorry haven't posted for a while here's my latest offerings a completed Greater Daemon and the WIP Mammoth, already progressed from this ready for the BIG GAME in March!

Paul / Golgfag1


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Almost there with the Mammoth, should be ready for the weekend, all being well

Paul / Golgfag1


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Thanks One & All,

For your very kind comments, hopefully there will be plenty of picture of the game this weekend to show off what I've produced since BOYL 2015 and of what still needs to be done!

Paul / Golgfag1


Well, following the success of the War Mammoth, I couldn't really help myself when the opportunity arose to acquire the War Rhino, which arrived to day, yes. Give me a week or two or even the Easter weekend and I should have something to show you soon. :grin:

Happy bunny
Paul / Golgfag1


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Oh you make me jealous with your Grenadier toys, might have to save my pockmoney up for a few big beasties :)


Chico":278y330q said:
Oh you make me jealous with your Grenadier toys, might have to save my pocketmoney up for a few big beasties :)

I wouldn't get too jealous Chico, when considered against 'normal' foot figures, the beasties work out reasonably cheap, at about thirty pounds a model and just to prove I'm not just collecting and painting "BIG" stuff, here's a few pictures of a figure I picked up last year, which I'll be using as one of my beast handlers, enjoy. :grin:

As ever my pictures do me no favors.

Paul / Golgfag1


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WIP on my additional beast handlers, still a bit to do, but to all intents &purposes done; now all I have to do are their charges!

Paul / Golgfag1


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Well just about finished the Grenadier War Rhino, took a bit longer than expected, but well worth the effort; so here's the sum of my efforts so far, enjoy :grin:

Paul / Golgfag1


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So, while I was waiting for the paint to dry on the giant I painted some of the detritus I cleared from around my painting table to give me a warband for Frost Grave.


Paul / Golgfag1


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Well, the direction of what I was planning to take to BOYL has changed in the couple of weeks since Enry's announces that the 'BIG' Fantasy game is back on the cards, so whats now on my work bench - A bunch of Grenadier Amazons & barbarians, Celtos Gaels, a couple of Mammoths, two sabre toothed tiger chariots, five of Geoff's May Queens and three Citadel Hydras, yes that's quite a change from the half finished Grenadier Giant you can see in the background.

Hope to see you there

Paul / Golgfag1


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Looking very exciting Golgfag1, the prospect of all that bare flesh, you will run out of tanned skin. We will have to come up with suitable rules for the rhino, perhaps as the mammoth but without the trunk attack and instead a charge attack giving +2 to strength like a lance. Frenzy or stupidity could be fun too.

Oh and Saber-tooth chariots for the win.