• Welcome to the Golden Gobbo painting competition. If you'd like to read some of the ancient history you can on the Realm of Chaos 80s blog.

    This competition is held some years and you'll find threads here describing how to enter and when the competition is running (typically after BOYL each year).

    Other than the fame and wonderment of your peers there is often a prize kindly donated and you'll have the wonder of being awarded badges for your profile here.

GG 2024 Golden Gobbo '24

Fimm McCool

Hi everyone!

My apologies I have dropped (or at least fumbled) the ball with Golden Gobbo this year, too many other things on my mind.
Nevertheless, let's try to get one in.

Rules as per last year, except we will close entries on the 13th December, vote 14th-22nd and announce the winner on the 23rd. Also going to try and keep everything on the forum for this year's contest. If I can I'll keep it to the one thread, we'll see if that works.

It doesn't have to be a miniature you've painted especially for this contest, but ought to be one painted this year.

To recap the 'rules' (them's more what you'd call guidelines...)

What is it?
The Golden Gobbo is a low-key, free-and-easy painting competition with 'competition' being quite a loose term.

What can I enter?
You can enter ONE BASE. It doesn't matter how many figures are on it or what they are but the restriction is ONE GAMING BASE ( MDF, home-cut and resin bases are OK but must be one of the regular gaming base sizes, no foot square dioramas! You can mount your base on a plinth if you like.)
Small vignettes/dioramas, terrain, big monsters etc. are ok provided you can make them fit on any regular sized gaming base.

How long have I got?
You have until midnight on the 13th December to submit your entry.

How do I submit?
Post at least one picture of the base and its contents with a plain background in this thread. You can include a bit of back story if you like and can submit as many extra pictures as you like, including backgrounds if you wish. If you submit loads of pictures we'll streamline them for the voting thread.

How does judging work?
Once entries are closed I will create a voting thread on this forum board. Members of the forum can vote for their favourite entry, most votes wins. Voting will close at midnight on the 22nd December.