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GLOGG: Next Meet Up TBA



Today myself, Golgfag1 & Riot all went made the trip to Ilford Wargaming Club for a day of gaming. Now while we were there the subject came up of making this semi-regular and getting more of the scattered Oldhammers involved.

This will be as and when people can make it and at most around once a month on any given Sunday between 1pm-6pm

Anyway who would be interested?

The Club address:

Redbridge Social Club off Beehive Lane at Gants Hill.

Nearest Tube station is Gants Hill

(BTW Todats gaming report by Riot: http://riotvilleonfire.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... s-bit.html)


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

As usual, I'll be up for this :lol:, when in June would you like to meet up - my diary is clear on the 5th & 19th at the moment, it's then a choice of what shall we play?

Paul / Golgfag1


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

I'm free on the 5th, but might be able to do the 19th at a push.

As for games I play so much stuff I'll be open for anything (Ohh err)


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

Will be up for either date.

We can have another go at Mordheim but with 1000gc's this time. Paul I would happily write you up a 1000 gc list if you want and supply the necessary figures.

I also have the Paranoia "Vulture warriors from dimension X" which is a double blind game which I could GM (and supply all the bits).

If your up for some RT fun I have various lumps of the lead mountain I could bring (such as Dr. Gostellos Circus).

What I would really like to do is some kind of 'Slaves of Darkness' warbands mini campaign stuff but I would have to rely on someone else to run it as I have none of the literature.

I also have things like 'Space Hulk', 2nd edition Bloodbowl and Leading Edges version of 'Aliens' lying around if you fancy a game of that.

As you can see I am pretty much up for anthing but figure we shoulds agree something sooner rather then later as I am a bit of a play it painted fanatic!


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

or Inquisi- munda!!!!!!!

I JUST WANT TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

Well this is what I play:

Kings of War
Blood Bowl
Dark Future
Combat Zone
Star Wars Miniature Battle (WEG)
Epic Space Marine
Dead Man's Hand
Terminator Gensys
Warband 10mm
Konflikt '47
Bolt Action

Most the stuff I game isn't that old, I love old figures but not so much old rules (By old I mean 1980's/early 1990's).

My short list I'd like to play is Warmaster, Necromunda, KoW, Blood Bowl (LRB5) and of course more Mordheim.

Edit: Oh when we lock down a date my friend Pat is interested in coming too :)


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

5th is the best for me as it is the sunday before school goes back after half term. Also the 19th is Fathers day and the wife will have stuff planned with the me and the kids (and that will not included sitting in a hall in Ilford!).

Once again Mordheim would be cool but I have 3 painted Bloodbowl teams if we all want to play (LRB5)





Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

I'm easy, If we play BB I have 2 teams (Humans and Chaos) and if we play Mordheim I have a 2nd gang being painted as we speak as I'd hate to beat everyone using the same gang twice in a row ;).


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club

So shall we say the 5th of june and a 1000GC Mordheim game?


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club - Next Meet Up 5th June

Anymore takers?

I promise I won't bite, well Ok I do but just give me some bacon and a diet coke and I'll calm down :)


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club - Next Meet Up 5th June

Thanks for a pleasant after chaps and not just because of the result. :grin:

Paul / Golgafg1


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club - Next Meet Up 5th June

Thanks for posting Riot,

Certainly a turn around from my first game, but I was using my dice and they couldn't have been much kinder - no doubt they'll be back in their usual form, next game - which at this rate will be BOYL, so you can both laugh at my expense, next time :lol: :lol: :lol:

The game was good, not just because of the result - the terrain looked excellent, the figures were beautiful painted by you both and the game was played in good spirits. None of us could have seen how such a slight difference interpretation of the same rule and how it could be applied in the circumstances we encountered at that time. I should have insisted that we stopped and started again and I apologies to you both - my fault.

Hope to see you both soon - next time - SAGA, OK?

Paul / Golgfag1 8-)


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club - Next Meet Up September TB

Nobody's fault, that bobody is a real git at times ;)

Next meet up September sometime,

Happy with SAGA, as I have Anglo-Danes, Vikings & Revenants (Zombies) which I can lend out as needed.

I'd most likely run my Revenants, as I got them as my wedding anni gift in 20115 and still haven't used them hehe



I also spoke to some of the lads from the Club about doing some Bolt Action at some point if that interests anyone.


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club - Next Meet Up September TB


At the moment my weekends are fairly full, so won't be able to attend until the latter part of next month, how are your Sundays looking?

Paul / Golgfag1


Re: GLOGG: Ilford Wargaming Club - Next Meet Up September TB

My Sundays are free(ish) with 2 out of 4 i'm free on per month, my problem is though is that I'm not going to be able to afford to come anytime soon due to being out of work and having every penny is accounted for.