Well well well, as much as a tried to sell these (Not very heh). It seems they couldn't be parted from me, so with a fair bit of time in the last few days as i happened to finish my last project rather quicky( 1500 pts tournment style Khornate Blood Angels), i've been back to these and since ebay was rather kind to have a few cheap auctions which i've won it looks like the cult lives.
So new plans:
Use Codex IG as before.
Hybrid Squads will now be IG Vets, so now my Hybrids will be equipped with Plasma/flamer/Grenade Launchers.
Patriarch will be a Allied Deamon Prince
Genestealers will count as either Deamons or Possessed, dependent of what allied Codex i use.
If Codex CSMis used Allied Cultists will count as Brood Brothers.
Magus and Genestealer Familers will count as Sanctioned Psykers.
All tanks will be patched up ex-PDF versions
To Buy list
15-20 Hybrids
4-8 Genestealer Familers
Running and/or throned Patriarch
Forgeworld tanks to use as PDF versions.
Any ideas or thoughts, then please post here. Or failing that if you wish to denote/trade or sell me what i need.