FreeHammer - 1st Oct

I'm lenihan's opponent for Mordheim and we would be looking to play a multiplayer battle in the morning. Under discussion but at the moment but thinking the Lost Prince or Monster Hunt scenario with random encounters thrown in to add to the chaos (these are rules from Town Cryer).


Not long now folks! Sadly we lost a couple of Games due to staff at GW/FW being required to go to the European open day! Shame but hopefully next time they will be able to attend!

ATM I am looking for some people to run a Necromunda and Man o war game for the event - Seems a shame not to have those being played!


Would have liked to attend, but it's my girlfriend's birthday. I may actually be in Nottingham for the evening for drinks, but won't be able to pop over to WHW.


All over! Thanks for all those that turned up to make the event successful :grin: Time to reflect and start plotting for the 2nd one!