Fast Times at Anvilspring (Prologue)

The ‘knotted maul’ and the battle of ‘witch hill’ (for those still reading!)

At the knotted maul…
Mengil’s assorted marauders are fighting tooth and nail with the ‘evvy Chevaliers as they are charged in the flank by the second unit of Brettonia’s double-handed finest. This knot moves forwards and back, side to side as Naggaroth’s finest are whittled down. It ain’t pretty.

Brettonia – “Allez mes bon hommes! We ‘ave les smellies right where we want them, ici!”
Woodelfia – “That looks a bit horrible… best leave that alone, eh?”
Naggaroth – “Erm, I’m no strategist, but this is an awful idea, right? Runaway?!”


At the hill

'Les Basterdz' rain death upon the crossbowmen. As do the Wood Elves that have sight of them as they spill across the bridge. The second unit of Naggaroth’s finest sent from the homelands is near decimated… but keep their cool. The witches decide to skirt around the hill and to start to commence a charge up it to gain the high ground… because charging uphill is famously successful.

Brettonia – “Is this a bit easy? J’ave about trois kills already et tu?”
Woodelfia – “Hurrah! Go mental!”
Naggaroth – “I’ll hold them! See to those crossbowmen!”



Riveting innit?


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Thanks for the write up Chris. The brettonians are mine so now I finally joined I can add a bit about them. I shrewdly sold / gave away my chaos army in the early noughties so, unlike the other two, was starting from scratch. Rather than risk divorce by trying to buy up an oldhammer army from eBay (and not loving all of the new old world stuff) I went with Claymore Castings medieval models for most of my army. Super sculpts and okdhammery enough (imho). The exception is the superb (but cowardly) knights of the realm which were borrowed to me for the battle


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Endgame (The last one, I promise! Well done if you made it this far - give yourself a pat on the back)

At the knotted maul…

The remnants of the Naggaroth expeditionary party leap onto the saddles of the proud Brettonians, whilst other cut horse legs and flanks. In an amazing turnaround they manage to drop two of Brettonia’s finest… And they rout… And what’s more the sight of them fleeing causes their men-at-arms to run away with them.

Brettonia – “Cecil! Pierre! Vous aves fallen! Mon Couer! Alors! Quelle heure et il? Ah! Mon supper! I Must be elsewhere! Allez away mes hommes! Oui, tu aussi heavy swords! On y va!”
Woodelfia – “Are they running away over there? We’ll remind them of that forever!”
Naggaroth – “Let’s parlez! Oh… you’re running away? Well… phew, that was close”

At the hill…
The Crossbows are annihilated as the witch elves shriek and lead an uphill charge toward les Baasterdz. They are all slain, bar two who decide to run. Scarlocs mop up the rest of the mess.

Brettonia – “Oui! Just kill’em”
Woodelfia – “None shall live!”
Naggaroth – “Hmmm. That was silly”


Da Result…

The Brettonians may have some serious words with their nobility. Les Basterdz fancy some new swish titles and bling might be coming their way. The heavies have had enough and start exploring the price of warhorses…

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Scarloc’s elves retire to their woods. Still watching, Still waiting.


Although having effectively ‘lost’, Mengil is free from the shackles of his Imperial kin. His merry band aim to explore the land, recruiting more ne’er do wells and honing their ‘being a nuisance’ skills.


(Fin – for now... Phew!)


What I learned. Never misjudge the distance of a charge. And there are few worse feelings than a unit of knights you spent 20 hours paining scampering off the board without laying a glove.
an early WFB (must be 4ed but might be 3ed), I decided to have a unit charge into an attack. However I wasn't very good at eying up distance so they charge forward and fell short.. leading to a rival unit able to make a attack and pretty much wipe out a large amount of the unit.. god, that had to be sometime in the early to mid 90s..
To Jonny's credit he dealt with it like the absolute gent he is - and it made for a wonderful and memorable story.
In defence of the DElfs they had to hit them A LOT before managing to wound them or it just bouncing off their armour.


Or diddy/donkey kong ?
That's a Mario Kart toy Donkey Kong (technically the 3rd I think as his grandfather was stated to be the original Donkey Kong (later 'Cranky Kong'), the modern Rare design (from the UK company 'Rare' who remade Donkey Kong for the SNES and later stuff for a while). There was a Kids show but.. not one of the better ones..

and no.. don't ask.. I'm not a Mario fan (well, Mario Brothers was a great game, the series went down hill with 'Super Mario Brothers' in my view.. but.. I know stuff ^_^
LOL. That's the Mengil Manhide standard I think you're mentioning. I also have no idea - but have a great anecdote.
Little me loved the chaos familiar figs and decided to cut it off the top of the standard. D'oh!
A total act of rummaging in broken skelly bits and old shield revealed it. It was amazing - thought it was lost to the four winds long ago.
To answer your question I think it is a chaos monkey demon statue thing.
I may have been over-enthusiastic fixing with Green stuff...
And it does look chickeny - I'm gonna bring it out for Christmas!