eBay... A holy grail item


But will it go for more than the £10 starting bid :)

For posterity when ebay remove the item in a few months...



it was a good model for the time but never really that taken with it.. huge and stuff but.. yeah.. it's more a 'it's worth it for how old it is' then anything else. doubt it's worth putting an offer one cause... yeah.. I wouldn't go above £50 myself.. even though I've paid more for less.


yep, but it's just... pretty bland and not as characterful as the Perry's normal work and seams pretty under detailed in places for the size of it where as lot of modern stuff like to throw in too much detail because 'If we are digital, we can put in stuff not thinking about alot of restrictions we used to have'. but yes, I do know what you mean ^_^

Geroak II

I don't disagree with you about its looks - not my cuppa either (though I like that head with huge nose quite a bit. Reminds me of John Bauer's paintings of trolls, I guess). But like any collector's item it's going to sell for a good deal of money. Whoever buys it hopefully thinks they got their money's worth.

Time for a rant about GW:
GW has been guilty of overloading their sculpts for a long time now. That, their pricing and the fact their minis are some weird "heroic-something scale" means I've long since lost my interest in their products. Though hand sculpted minis are my personal preference, digital sculpting has it's pros as well as cons and not everyone does it like GW does.
A tad taller.

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Just shy of 2 Kilos, and the detail is great... Enough to show scale, BAsed on the book 'Giants' from the 70s, of course.