Do you even play bro?

I was wondering how often people play and with whom?

I play WFB maybe 4 or 5 times a year, it is a 50/50 split between my wife and a local gamer dude.
I HOPE than when life settles a bit and becomes more conducive to relaxation we may get more games in.

What about you?

Oh and we play at my house.
I don’t think I have ever actually played whfb. My friends and I were into 40k in the mid 90s in junior high. I use my figures quite a bit for dnd, had a weekly game for years. I had my oldhammer orcs based up and out for Kings of War with a nice local group several times, but I found I didn’t enjoy rolling and counting up like 40 d6s at a time.


I have played about half a dozen practise games with my son over the last three months, but usually play 3-8 times a year when the campaign demands it and I can get all the necessary players together at the same place (90% mine) at the same time. Not easy. Sometimes we wait weeks for a day that works for everyone involved. I now also WFRP again, and ran the 8th (?) RP campaign session for my boy and his three friends yesterday. They are learning just how dangerous the Warhammer world is!

I used to play weekly, at home or a friends, back 2000 - 2010 (ish), then it lessened off. Before, during and after that I occasionally payed at clubs. I am glad to be back doing stuff more often. Used to play at Uni LOADS in the 80's and early 90s. I never really played in the shops (possibly three times since 1983 1st ed) so that was never part of my experience, despite being (apparently) part of many other Warhammerers' life.

Fimm McCool

I play wfb maybe 8 or 10 times a year, usually at BOYL, the warlords of albion games and on special seasonal occasions with a group of friends. We might play something skirmishy more often and play a lot of board games. Sculpting and painting are what I enjoy most in the hobby rather than playing.


Wide variety of games. WHFB, 40k, BFG, MoW, BB, DB and a few none GW games like BA, Saga etc. play about 15-20 games a year. Mix of a couple of guys I have a group with and my family. With my family it tends to be newer games like AoS.


I play heavily modified Rogue Trader, Pulp Alley, or Full Thrust with a friend about once a month or so. Usually at my house, but we take them to stores or clubs every now and then. Used to also run the occasional game with a local club, but it's been a while. The games are sometimes campaign related, but lately they've just been pickup games. I'd like to get the campaign back off the ground. (And get more people involved in it.) But once a month feels about right for me.
Nobody local wants to play RT/2nd or 4th ed WHF, modern gee dubz games only round these parts. I can't even talk anybody into non GW stuff unless it's Bolt Action.
So I buy games that can be played solo now like Forbidden Psalm/The Last War, Zona Alfa and whatever Snarling Badger Studios release. Got space to set up a 4x4 board so I can host if needed, board needs painting though lol.

Piers B


Never to nope on playtime.

Historical bit more but not like it was a few years ago pre-covid, when we played weekly.


I play when I can, which in the big scheme of things isn't as often as I would like, could play every night of the week given the local stores and clubs and if I was willing to take the domestic flak, which I'm not. What would I be playing mostly historical with the occasional bit of fantasy and sci-fi. Currently taking most pleasure from painting my collection.
Paul / Golgfag1


Just did a little historical this weekend with my usual Rogue Trader gaming buddy. He decided he wanted to blow up WWII ships instead. So we slugged it out with Bismark, Hood, and the rather dissimilar Princes. Hood and Bismark slugged each other to pieces, with Bismark coming out slightly ahead. No spectacular fireballs. Just lots and lots of fires and flooding. PoW joined in as best as she could at a rather longer range and less favorable angle, since Bismark was trying desperately to escape and even Hood struggled to keep up. Hood was left in a battered and sinking condition, but she slowed Bismark down, which was enough. PoW had mostly ignored Eugen until the latter charged as though she were going to ram, and PoW took her apart in a single fairly short range salvo. Prinz Eugen just . . . disappeared. The volume of fire a KGV can lay on something at close range is pretty spectacular. Bismark went down ugly, afire from stem to stern, but she definitely went down. Not the historical result, of course, but I honestly don't think it's an unreasonable one. I'm inclined to suspect the two ships were really pretty evenly matched, especially given Hood's age, and that Bismark truly got spectacularly lucky. Very much not Oldhammer, but still a fun day rolling dice. (Buckets of dice.)