Just did a little historical this weekend with my usual Rogue Trader gaming buddy. He decided he wanted to blow up WWII ships instead. So we slugged it out with Bismark, Hood, and the rather dissimilar Princes. Hood and Bismark slugged each other to pieces, with Bismark coming out slightly ahead. No spectacular fireballs. Just lots and lots of fires and flooding. PoW joined in as best as she could at a rather longer range and less favorable angle, since Bismark was trying desperately to escape and even Hood struggled to keep up. Hood was left in a battered and sinking condition, but she slowed Bismark down, which was enough. PoW had mostly ignored Eugen until the latter charged as though she were going to ram, and PoW took her apart in a single fairly short range salvo. Prinz Eugen just . . . disappeared. The volume of fire a KGV can lay on something at close range is pretty spectacular. Bismark went down ugly, afire from stem to stern, but she definitely went down. Not the historical result, of course, but I honestly don't think it's an unreasonable one. I'm inclined to suspect the two ships were really pretty evenly matched, especially given Hood's age, and that Bismark truly got spectacularly lucky. Very much not Oldhammer, but still a fun day rolling dice. (Buckets of dice.)