Deadcember 2024


I like the bow colour, might try that on my next batch of archers as my first lot have darker brown and the light looks rather nice. What are you using on the bases?
I like the bow colour, might try that on my next batch of archers as my first lot have darker brown and the light looks rather nice. What are you using on the bases?
Thanks Eric. Just PVA, quite grainy sand and paint. They were a Khaki greenish but I darkened it to make the bones stand out a bit more...

twisted moon

in terms of undead adjacent miniatures, i was down to my last couple of scarecrows.
since i was seven short of finishing my hand weapon unit, i decided to bash together another five from whatever i had lying around on the painting desk.

Scarecrow scratchbash1.JPG

here are the seven with paint applied:


on the right is my final rapier miniatures figure which comprise the bulk of this little project.
on the left is a scarecrow of unknown manufacture i traded with @MichaelStockin.


... and here's the complete unit:

Scarecrow HW unit2a.JPG
Finally for some undead in Deadcember, the two undead heroes are done. Is used the same greens and reds as with the other two models, but also a lot of metal colours and rust colours.


view full sized image [4032x2268]


view full sized image [4032x2268]


I do love those scarecrows, they are brilliant. The best thing about scratch building is the way literally scrap can become something so cool.

Those cloaks are lovely. I was going to say the blue one was my favourite, but the red just pops so much with the undead warrior I find myself drawn to that one more.


Ha :) Wondered who would decypher it first... ;)
mm... what I worked out doesn't make too much sense to me ^_^;
I'm pretty sure on the "Black" part.. my German is.. very poor and going via chaotic runes is.. harder ^_^
I might be wrong with black though. though it does seam to be schwarz to me.. which I'm sure is black.. no that isn't a z.. what's Schwaten? ... mm..
Well, If I did not mess up, it should say "Schlabunsen ihr Schwachmaten" (one or two character combinations did not work out exactly with the chart).

Schlabunsen is an invented word by comedian Torsten Sträter, without any definit meaning, that he uses again and again in his acts. "ihr" means you, and "Schwachmaten" means dimwits.

So: [undefined] you dimwits

Here is an example of him, of course in German. But than you can at least imagine the tone you need to imagine the words in, his voice is an important part of his overall impression.

Sträter totally nails my humour, so I thought it funny to put a small sentence in his style on an evil mini; where you would expect something about daemons, blood, damnation, etc... makes me crack up every time I see the scroll. :grin:

My wife, btw, thinks I have a strange humour...
Something nagged at the back of my mind about this figure the other day and I recalled having the Shreddies D&D hologram back in the day. Had forgotten about those up till then!


Something nagged at the back of my mind about this figure the other day and I recalled having the Shreddies D&D hologram back in the day. Had forgotten about those up till then!

Not that it photographed that well, but to be fair they are not much better in person ... anyhow that is your skeleton!


I think I'm missing one from the set. Loved collecting these.


The question is, what really is undead? a person that has come back from the grave, or a flesh golem which is just a man-made machine out of flesh, or... this gets very complex ^_^

lets put it this way: armies listed the following as undead:
Skeletons, Carrion, Ghoul, Mummy, Zombie, Spectre, Liches, Vampires, Necromancers, Wights & Wraiths... so that's fair enough ^_^