Deadcember 2023

Some lovely deadstuff here- I had planned to finish a unit of skeletons for my entry, but with time running out I’ll have to live with the three I’ve completed. Perhaps I’ll finish the rest of the lot before next year.. we will see.
Apart from that I’ve also included some painted mummies from my collection.
They are out of the cabinet to get touched up to match my new tomb kings army, along with lots of others…


Damn, now I'm thinking skeletons and green look awesome. Maybe I'll have to do 50% blue and 50% green! I like the chap with the banner, and the musician with horn. What range are they?

Some progress on my own project. Onto the static grass today, two layers down and maybe another three shades to go before moving onto foliage. Alas we've then got weathering to do and a bit of pickup detail painting before it's finished and can await a varnish (which some bits need to kill some shine). Couple of days to go... I fear not, but either way should be ready to photograph in a week or two I hope.

twisted moon

my last contribution to this year's deadcember.


with these done i currently have no unpainted skeletons in my possession.


More nice work ^_^

ugh.. I got a figure almost finished but.. I will probably be posted here January.. had a few issues come up which have been building for a bit.. looks like it's gonna be fine but.. doesn't put you in the right mind for doing finishing touches on some minis.


Sorry to hear that Manic. I think it counts if the work was mostly done in Deadcember can't see anyone complaining about another nice mini to look at :)

Well I somewhat took the day off the work I'd intended to do and instead finished up my offering. Last of the PVA and pigment fixer is drying, so you can guess it's terrain rather than minis. Granted photographs probably won't happen until tomorrow, but pleased it's done. Or at least done enough that I'm not going to do any more! Right time to gather up my WIP photos at least and get them ready.

Loving everyone's contributions so far, but Undead have always been some of my favourite models.


Well I think it's set so the badge button remains for about +10ish days after the month - seemed a bit mean to set it to vanish at the close of day and all that. So if life aligns and you get a chance post up your offering!


Right my offering is done... I'll put the atmospheric shots here and you can head over to my terrain thread for the photo heavy offering of finished shots and WIP.




that bend over one is in a pretty interesting pose..
I just checked up on him in the Red Catalogue and i think old age has got to him. He is actually meant to be more upright with a ball and chain in his right hand. I aasume he got crushed down in a lead pile sometime.


I just checked up on him in the Red Catalogue and i think old age has got to him. He is actually meant to be more upright with a ball and chain in his right hand. I aasume he got crushed down in a lead pile sometime.
Time gets to us all.. even after death

twisted moon

that's incredible; puts my own attempt at a graveyard to shame.
do you mind if i repost the pictures to the necropolis discord?