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Deadcember 2017 - a champion is crowned

Mister Rab


There's just one week until the start of the premier annual "paint a dead/undead minature" competition!

I'll start an album on my blog as they come in, as well as inviting you to add them to this thread.

What you need to know if you want to enter:

- This is a painting challenge for 28mm "scale" miniatures painted during December 2017
- The theme this year is (un)dead, meaning casualty figures are as welcome as the usual undead monsters and creatures
- An entry can either be a single model, or a group - there is no advantage or disadvantage inherent to either choice
- Email a photo of your miniature(s) before painting, and no more than two of the finished item, against a plain background so your painting really shines. -
- Send your pictures to Deadcember2017@gmail.com
- You can enter as many times as you like - the more the merrier - but each entry will be independently considered.
- The winner will be decided by me and will be based purely on my honest choice of which is my favourite - quality of painting, oldhammeriness, any conversion work, etc. will all feed in to it, I'm sure.
- There is a prize! A new Tom Meier zombie dragon and some skeletons, kindly donated by Ral Partha Europe.

I'm really looking forward to what everyone produces! Check here for last year's entries.

Fimm McCool

Re: Deadcember 2017

Time to get back to my lichemaster army. I'm going to aim for the recently-raised villagers of Frugelhofen and Grimbrin's mine following the events of the Terror of the Lichemaster campaign... but might just manage a unit of skeleton bowmen and a skull-chucker instead. :)

twisted moon

Re: Deadcember 2017

this is what i'm going for:

i bought this well over twenty years ago from 'dungeons and starships' in birmingham.

i glued the howdah together and the trunk to the skull, and undercoated the bones a few years later, but then failed to glue the body together as it seemed too heavy for whatever glue i was using at the time, so it went back in the box. superglue to form a quick bond followed by uhu for extra strength seems to have done the job this time, although I think attaching to the base straight away has also helped by providing more rigidity.

the undercoat has chipped in a few places, so will need to be touched up. i started undercoating the other pieces today, too. with a bit of luck i'll get that finished tomorrow evening. apart from that i don't think i'll have much time to do any more before next weekend.


  • Skeletal Mammoth box.JPG
    Skeletal Mammoth box.JPG
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  • Skeletal Mammoth undercoat1.JPG
    Skeletal Mammoth undercoat1.JPG
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  • Skeletal Mammoth undercoat2.JPG
    Skeletal Mammoth undercoat2.JPG
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Mister Rab

Re: Deadcember 2017

And the first entry is in! It's a Nick Lund piece for Grenadier by Iain Harrison.


I've put it in the gallery on my blog, where all further entries will also go. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you fine folk come up with :grin:


Re: Deadcember 2017

Twisted Moon, that's one of my favorite models ever, I can't wait to see how it comes out!

Mister Rab

Re: Deadcember 2017

A couple more entries have shuffled their way in:

Gaz Shaw's necromancer:


Stuart Bannister's converted plague cart:


Keep 'em coming :)

Mister Rab

Re: Deadcember 2017

And a few more joining the horde. More photos at my blog, as ever ;)

By Iain Harrison

By Chris Kellahan

By Roger Duthie

Still plenty of time to get involved!

Mister Rab

Re: Deadcember 2017

A sudden slew of entries takes us up to 12 - but there's still plenty of time for you to get involved. And don't forget there's a Tom Meier zombie dragon in it for the winner :grin:

Mister Rab

Re: Deadcember 2017

In with under an hour to spare! Nice work, Geoff! I'll add them to the gallery and then have a ponder before announcing the winner, probably at the weekend :grin:


Happy new year, all!

Deadcember 2017 is now finished, and there are twenty-nine excellent and creative entries (http://geeklydigest.blogspot.co.uk/p/deadcember-17.html) for me to choose between. It's going to be difficult! If you feel like leaving a comment as to which you prefer me to choose, feel free - it's not a vote, though, and I reserve the right to ignore you all ;)
Already commented on the blog, but it bears repeating - Ivan's mini is beautiful (in an undead sort of way). Congratulations.

And I agree - I also loved Stuart's plague cart. Great work all around.