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D&D ADVENTURE! Quest for the Abbot's Cheese


Welcome friends to an adventure beyond time, space and reason! Discover new worlds and meet strange people (and that's just the players).

In a monastery near a small town an ancient tradition exists - the making of the Abbot's Cheese. Once a year this finest of cheeses is produced within the walls of the Holy Order of the Lady of the Lake monastery, and used in it's sacred traditions. This year however, the cheese has been stolen by an evil-hearted halfling thief! In the quest to discover the wherabouts of this holiest of holy dairy products our heroes will face many dangers, and they need your help! We are currently recruiting, so come and join the fun!

If you wish to do a survey to find out what role YOU would play in a fantasy setting, here is the link: http://www.easydamus.com/character.html

If you want a simple, fast way to generate a specific character, try this link: http://wyrmsteeth.com/index.php

No prior experience necessary! Time Zones not an issue! All you need to do is make one post a day in order to play! :)

For a behind-the-scenes look at story discussions, models-in-progress and other cra-cra jazz, check out this thread: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2075


Sir Seu Antheus, lvl 5 Paladin of the Holy Order of the Lady of the Lake

Bufo the Black Hood, lvl 3 Chaotic Evil Halfling Rogue

Robin, Lawful Good Human, lvl 5 Ranger

Rambulge, Neutral Good Human, lvl 2/2 Fighter/Sorcerer

Bari the White, Chaotic Good Human, lvl 5 Cleric of Jordann
Re: D&D character generator

It would definitely be interesting to role play him next to your lawful goody-goody paladin. How could i even brush my teeth without offending you on every level!

I shall name my halfling... Bufo, the Black Hood! He is the tiny terror of the rooftops, robbing pantries of the rich and famous and sharing with NOONE!


Re: D&D character generator

Yep, a team of the 2 would be much fun indeed ! I suppose the high charisma has to come in handy in certain situation with the ladies ... :? :roll:
Re: D&D character generator

The high dexterity can't hurt in that regard either, hehe :lol: rumor has it the little fella is a 'tripod' ;)

Well, who else is going to join our party??


Re: D&D character generator

Oh please, I'm starting to think about "remore Roleplay" via Mumble or Skype.... must stop thinking about it, it can't happen...
Re: D&D character generator

Gah, while you were standing around thinking, Sir Antheus, you let us get surrounded by goblins! :o

I ready my sling and prepare to fire at the closest gobbo!


Re: D&D character generator

For the Lady of the lake, you shall die by my sword, you green foul spwan of evil! Come one Bufo, let's end this fight with honor and good manners and then we'll write some poetry and osngs about it !

(btw, I'm impressed you managed to read the name properly considering the quality of the scan and handwriting :o )
Re: D&D character generator

Good manners be darned! Here's a poem for you:

"There once was a goblin so green,
Ugliest bugger you've seen,
But his looks were improved,
When my sling left a groove,
From his forehead down to his spleen!" *ka-splat!*


Re: D&D character generator

Totally did this too.

True Neutral Human Wizard, level 5. But close to the "lawful" axis.

Bunches of fun.


Re: D&D character generator

Orjetax":3kjnmwic said:
Totally did this too.

True Neutral Human Wizard, level 5. But close to the "lawful" axis.

Bunches of fun.
Yep, I guess anyone who has ever DnD'ed wants to know... 8-)

Mister Rab

Re: D&D character generator

Lvl 4 Lawful-Good wizard. Interesting, I always saw myself more as a cleric: half-wizard, half-knight, with a big lump of holy hitty thing onna stick :ugeek:


Re: D&D character generator

Level 5 human ranger. Exactly what I used to play "back in the day". Not so sure about being Lawful Good, always saw myself as Chaotic Good but hey oh...
Re: D&D character generator

Sir Antheus, our reinforcements have arrived! The famous 'Wizard brothers' and that ranger we picked up in the boggy marsh of Soggy Larsh ( he was bogging when we found him). What's an evil halfling got to cook to get some magic missiles all up in here fellas??


Re: D&D character generator

*true neutral human wizard shrewdly evaluates the options, considering them in light of his own self interest, social mores, and personal relationships, with an eye towards rational choice*

Yeah, I'ma cast magic missile
Re: D&D character generator

Haha, magic missle indeed :lol:

Nuetral Good Human Fighter Sorcerer (2nd/2nd level)
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 13
Int 13
Cha 11

<b>I Am A:</b> Neutral Good Human Fighter/Sorcerer (2nd/2nd Level)
<br><br><u>Ability Scores:</u><br>
<br><br><u>Alignment:</u><br><b>Neutral Good</b> A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.<br>
<br><u>Race:</u><br><b>Humans</b> are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
<br><br><u>Primary Class:</u><br><b>Fighters</b> can be many things, from soldiers to criminal enforcers. Some see adventure as a way to get rich, while others use their skills to protect the innocent. Fighters have the best all-around fighting capabilities of the PC classes, and they are trained to use all standard weapons and armor. A fighter's rigorous martial training grants him many bonus feats as he progresses, and high-level fighters have access to special melee maneuvers and exotic weapons not available to any other character.
<br><br><u>Secondary Class:</u><br><b>Sorcerers</b> are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.
<br><br>Find out <a href='http://www.easydamus.com/character.html' target='mt'>What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?</a>, courtesy of Easydamus <a href='mailto:zybstrski@excite.com'>(e-mail)</a><br><br>
Re: D&amp;D character generator

The party was surprised by the goblins, but the goblins seem equally shocked to see the adventurers. This moment of indecision is enough for the heroes to seize the initiative!

Sir Antheus holds aloft his shining sword and, singing a battle-hymn of touching beauty, charges the nearest goblin, cleaving it mightily and sending it's lifeless carcass sprawling into the grass, gouts of stinky goblin blood staining his pristine tabard. Still humming his jaunty limmerick, Bufo unleashes a sling bullet, scoring a direct hit on a second charging goblin, splitting it's ugly skull and causing it to do a backward flip from the force of it's own momentum. As Bufo was huffing on his knuckles and polishing them on his filthy jerkin, a wonky arrow from a crappy goblin bow came spiralling out of the sky and gouged a chunk out of his arm, making him squeal like a cissy. True Neutral Human Wizard chanted words of power, bringing a trio of magic missiles into being and hurling them at one of the goblin archers, piercing it's scrawny body with pure magical energy and causing it to contort and shriek as it died horribly. The waft of burning goblin meat caused the last goblin to look hungrily in it's direction, before deciding the fast food wasn't worth it and fleeing as fast as his knock-kneed legs would carry him.

Sir Antheus charges a goblin, swinging his [?BROADSWORD?], dealing 6 damage. The goblin is slain. 7 EXP GAINED

Bufo strikes a goblin with a sling bullet, dealing 4 damage. The goblin is slain. 7 EXP GAINED

True Neutral Human Wizard casts Magic Missile on a goblin, dealing 10 damage. The goblin is slain. 7 EXP GAINED

Goblin strikes Bufo with a wonky arrow, dealing 2 damage

Loot gained: 2 x Rusty dagger, 1 x crappy bow, 1 x quiver of wonky arrows (-2), 3 copper pieces, 1 x chicken drumstick(cold)

As the group gathered to examine the remains of the dead greenskins, Bufo clutched his wounded arm and winced.

"Sir Antheus!" Bufo admonished, "You are supposed to be watching over me, remember? Now HEAL MY WOUNDS. And that drumstick is MINE!"

Without waiting for any responses, the angry angry halfling kicked at a spot of disturbed soil at the foot of a tree.

"Well, that's torn it now, hasn't it? The Abbot's Cheese is gone, they must have sniffed out where i buried it. I guess we'll just have to go back to town and report it missing, and i'll get back to my jail cell... unless?" The halfling smiled his winningest smile at the Paladin, in a barefaced attempt to charm him. "Whaddaya say champ, after all we've been through, with the goblins and all, why not let a fella go? I'll be good, i promise? Remember all the good times we had? Like the goblin times? Huh?"

For those of you just joining (i.e. everyone), the Quest for the Abbott's Cheese has begun. After being caught thieving from the Holy Order of the Lady of the Lake's pantries, it was revealed that Bufo had not only stolen a whole wheel of the Abbott's sacred Cheese, but had also hidden it somewhere not far from the outskirts of the town of Soggy Larsh, located several miles from the Holy Order's ancient crumbling towers. Tasked with recovering that most sacred cheese, Sir Antheus must escort the nasty little halfling to the location where he stashed the stinky wheel and bring it back, in exchange for a more lenient sentence in the local slammer. On the road to Soggy Larsh they encountered the Wizard Brothers who sought company on the lonesome road, and upon departing Soggy Larsh and slogging through a boggy marsh, they met a ranger (bogging) who was on the trail of some marauding goblins. This brings us up to date, mostly. Where will the adventure take us next? That's up to YOU :mrgreen:
Re: D&amp;D character generator

"Ahoy there!" from a shrubbery emerges a tall, short, heavy set thin man wearing leather armour and brandishing a cudgel.
He strokes his well manicured goatee as he surveys the cleft and splattered goblin corpses and looks to the heroes...
"Oh my, it seems I just missed out on the fun. I heard all the commotion from over the way"
The man seems to remember something and fixes the flap of his shoulder pouch closed.
"Forgive me sirs, I am Rambulge-fighter and sorcerer-and at your service"

As Rambulge introduced himself, he gave a small bow. After the man's speech there was the unmistakable waft of cheese in the air...


Re: D&amp;D ADVENTURE! Quest for the Abbott's Cheese

Sir Antheus was putting the gobin corpses next to each other and building a little cairn decorated with the sacred cross of St Emile (carved with his dagger into a branch of oak he found nearby) when Rambulge arrived "Good day Sir, don't blame yourself, the goblins were our duty to take care of and BUffo sort of invited them to attack with his horrible manners and foul langage. ANyway, glad to meet you, I can't tell what but I sense something familiar, have we met before?". (turning back to Buffo)

"Buffo ! You certainly have in Courage what you lack in honor !
The question of your future relies on you alone and how you help me recover the sacred "Bresse Bleu", you said the stash wasn't far from here. Now let me take a look at this arm of yours..."

Seu grabbed Buffo's arm and lifted the clothing to examine the wound.
"You can thank the lady of the lake, I can heal you!"
Seu went to pick something in his travelbag while holding Buffo's arm tightly

"Now here you are Buffo (putting one hand of a pair of handcuffs to the arm of the halfling , the other to his own), you can have some rest. I shall take care of your wounds once my prayers are done, it won't take long, merely 2 hours, so rest aside and try to avoid losing too much blood will you?"

(facing the other members) "I'm sorry good sirs but we will have to wait for Mr Buffo here to tell us where he hid our holy relic cheese. But whose screams do I hear coming?, sounds like a lady in danger doesn't it?"
Re: D&amp;D ADVENTURE! Quest for the Abbott's Cheese

"You knucklebrained Paladin, the cheese isn't here, it's gone, those goblins probably ate it... although;" Bufo examines the goblin corpses as best he can from his position shackled to Sir Antheus, "Those goblins look pretty scrawny... even emaciated. They look like they haven't seen a good meal in weeks. Perhaps they took the cheese away and were waiting for us to come back for it..."

Bufo sniffs the air, and looks suspiciously at Rambulge. "You there, spell-sword, why do you smell so cheesy? Is that... Bilgeton triple-cream??"

The sound of a woman's scream comes echoing across the woody glen once more.

"Damn that sound, i'm trying to think here..." The irate halfling grumbled. It was hard enough to think with an empty stomach (he hadn't eaten in minutes), but all this shrieking was getting on his nerves.

Despite my best attempts to remain impartial, as i am DMing this, Bufo should probably be reclassified as a 'NPC' and thus, possibly a source of quest clues... ;)