Current Sales going on


personally, I don't like anyone that pigeon holes views into 'Left' and 'Right'.. none of them are any good and the way things are going now.. and what some stuff has shown with the current BoIs..

Don't see anything specially worrying or anything.. shouldn't really post pollical views but saying you favour one party over another? I'm probably missing something cause that's nothing new (though come one, try not to post such stuff on a company profile.. that said, if you a user of 'twitter' then.. yikes.. you are actively supporting some not very nice people these days.. but what's new?). So.. can't say I care much either way ^_^ anyone that wants power shouldn't have power.. simple as that


the first one.. I'm probebly missing stuff as 'right wing' ,'nationalist' etc are more buzz words then meaning anything now.. Like anyone remember when Labour was a Socialist party? then they changed.. I think they might have gone back.. I can't say I give a damn really.. all a bunch of useless tossers.. ^_^;

that second one is a bit... kinda iffy though I can't say I understand half of what is aid there or what it is a reply to.. so I have too little information to make any comment on. Without context.. is Scimitar just being used as a fancy sword reference or going for the cultural reference which means more arabic, so Anti-arabic?.. is jeehaddd a mistranslation of jihad? which was famously mis-translated by Frank Herbert as 'holy war'... no clue..
Anyhoo, as mentioned your views on the matter may vary…
Drawn to my attention by someone at BoYL after I expressed interest in running a game with the old Laserburn minis. Still hope to get a few old casts painted up, they should fit in with the Helsreach board. ;)
Wise, I think, to keep your hobby and politics (of whatever hue) separate particularly if you’re a manufacturer. Judging by what I see, I might be in the minority.



Heresy Miniatures are rather lovely, and the guy always seems to just squeak by every month.

Great models, and great service.

30% off for November
Andy’s a good chap, though he does seem to stagger from crisis to crisis, and Heresy has some great stuff in their range. Check out the Paul Muller Ghouls and familiars plus the Kev White Big Boris. Andy’s own sci-fi sculpts include some gems e.g. the (Delaque) gangers. Some great stuff for RT style games too. His inspectors make fine Paranoia jobsworths.


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