Ouch. Forgot to update this thread
Let me solve that, as I've not been idle. First thing: A friend gave me away these Eldar:
Oh, my. What was I going to do? (Apart from starting an Eldar army, which for the moment was not an option ;D). A little kitbashing offered this aspect:
Then I saw their purpose (which I hadn't thought of until then!). Underhive pest control. For sure those lionrats and teracockroaches in the sewers need some tough guys to be in charge of the situation

Here you have them too:
http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... ntrol.html
But that's not all! My original plan just involved a fistful of civilians, I was just planning a RT scenario in which a fugitive escapes from the arbitrators on the chase while dodging people on the crowded streets and jumping from here to there. At some point it all escaped from my hands, but whatever.
I was in dire need for cheap civilian minis to populate my streets. So I got these WotC Star Wars minis, less tan 1€ each:
So it all was a matter of RT-ing them. I mostly used GW bits and some others. Let me show the after/before.
First of all, a merchantman:
A more extensive conversion, involving WHFB bits:
A simple one, with the keyring of his ship ;D:
A guy with nothing in his hands (you never find those on the mini ranges!)
A protester, clearly!
Time for a lady:
This one was different. I got two minis out of him, by adding Skitarii bits:
[img ]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IqoNx3fLpGs/Vtiwqc0ofpI/AAAAAAAAAgM/AynCGJ9fwns/s1600/2016-02-26%2B18.36.30.jpg[/img]
A simple one, with a head from Maxmini:
Another protester:
A... Clerk from the Administratum?
The last one. I had these arms from the WHFB Empire cannon. What could I do out of them? A watermelon vendor!
So this is it for the moment. No idea when I'll get to paint them, but I'll try to put my hands on them soon!
You can find them here too:
http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... dozen.html
Well, I hope they add some flavour to the board!
EDIT: Pics always look huge on my screen; I've been looking for a way to shrink them, but I've been unsuccessful so far. Is there any way to make them look smaller, please?