More lock down, more painting.
Sir Charles (Citadel CC1 Gothic Horror) has joined the bold group of adventurers investigating strange happenings in a New England fishing town, where the residents walk with a distinctive shambling gait and have "queer narrow heads with flat noses and bulgy, stary eyes".
One of my personal favourites in the range so far - he looks to be based upon the John Pertwee Doctor Who (Citadel/Fasa) model from 1985 (just as the Drunk and the Hobo are based upon the Tom Baker's model). There is another model in the range which I don't currently own simply called "investigator" based on the same John Pertwee model, but with a different head and wearing a deerstalker. However for me this is the best one of three, and was fantastic fun to paint.
Out of interest does anyone know which came first? The Doctor Who miniatures or the Gothic Horror range? (both are listed as 1985 - although more Gothic were added in 1987).
Number two - and quite possibly one of the wee beasties that he will be encountering...
This is "fishman" from the Citadel C18 Night Horrors range. Clearly based upon the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and painted as such. I'm slightly disappointed in this one - colours are duller than i'd hoped for and I've gone for very pedestrian colour choices. That said I love the miniature and (as with "apeman") have therefore taken the plunge and bought a second one to paint up with a bit more of a vibrant colour scheme. If anyone of the forum has anymore spare fishmen that they'd like to trade or sell for a reasonable price please let me know and I'll happily take them off you (would like a good few in different hues).
Lastly - and only shared for the sake of completeness - I painted up another Cop. This one in an action pose.
He's tiny - a Wee Jimmy Krankie of a Cop - which is one of my excuses for the paint job. That and bad light, and paint drying too quickly...- he's passable, but not a favourite paint job or miniature by a long shot. He's not the worst miniature in the range but he's definitely not the best either.