I like to think we've learned a little since then. I'd be lying if I said I didn't do my share of stupid in the 80s. (Mostly aircraft nose art.) It's just that the photographic evidence is a bit hit and miss and not up to modern standards. I suspect I still have a great deal more to learn. Process of growing; be ye individual or society.
Finally got round to doing a few more bits and bobs last night. Took a rushed photo on the way out of the flat this morning - and have uploaded from the train wifi on the way in to work.... so apologies in advance. Will aim for better pictures later in the week.
What you should be able to see (assuming this works) are my ‘Almost finished’ Wolf Sternhammer and Johnny Alpha from the Citadel range back in the day. These have been a joy to paint. A few more highlights to do, finish the basing and jobs a 'good 'un'.
On the left is my orc musician for the old hammer legacy project. He’s coming along nicely but I fear for me at least he isn’t oldhammer enough. I may yet add a further miniature for the legacy project...
Lurking in the background is a Citadel Link Angel, but whoever stripped his paint managed to remove quite a bit of his facial detail. I fear he will never be beautiful...
Also there is a Citadel JD mutie, a Citadel Paranoia troubleshooter then two non-Citadel bods which I hope to use in the JD RPG games that I’m planning to run (at some point in time...)
Cheers - the robot is from the news crew and minders pack at copplestone castings. Suitably 2000ad, and I think there are a few people on the forum who have already had a shot at him. Unsure what a butler droid is doing with a news crew but there you go
Major Magnum from the jd rogue trooper line (should I give him white eyes? Quite like the dark sockets), a paranoia trouble shooter (Barb-b-ela) and a jd mutie (Jobee). Just realised the b in the troubled shooters name should have resulted in me painting her shirt blue...not the end of the world
Latest two gang members from the Citadel JD range. Zuggy Spotz and Spug Slatt. I’m finding these miniatures a joy to paint. I’ve also collected quite a few of the mongoose range, but they are pigs to paint in comparison. Going to have to sort out a proper light box, because my photos are terrible.
This is a citadel jd miniature called Flinn Shaver. In contrast to the other models in this range I found this to be a horrible painting experience. Something about her face. Still, it’s out of the way and time to move onto the next one.... started to collect the citadel Gothic Horror range, so maybe...
I had a quiet weekend, quite a lot of stress from work this last two weeks (was writing presentations on Saturday and Sunday morning) so painting was a good release. I have a tonne of lead to go through and my escape mechanism seems to be to buy more from eBay, so catching up on a few items was good.
Finished a third Paranoia Trouble Shooter - shamelessly stole the idea of grey dungarees and coloured shirts (rather than coloured dungarees as in the actual game) from oldenhammer in Toronto blog, works really well. Anyhow this guy looks nervous, testing out new weaponry for his ultra violet overlords.
One more to go and then I'll start on some Paranoia bot's.
I also made some progress with these guys - some of my Citi-Def. These are part of my ever growing "half way there" pile. one day they will be finished. I hope. Well at least one of them's there.
And this is nice bit of scale creep - left side is I believe a Mongoose Citi-Def, whilst the guy on the right, although sold by citadel under the JD range may have originally been a Temporal Marauder from FASA's Dr Who line. May be wrong there...
This is a Mek from the JD slaughter Marin Offer sheet - later incorporated into the Imperial Guard range. I went with red to make him look a bit like Maximilian from the Black Hole movie. Not sure it entirely works. Difficult to see what I could do further with it at this stage.
Have had a quite productive painting weekend, but my photography is diabolical - something i really need to work on..Anyhow best of a bad bunch of photos below
Theobold Wen JD3 - basic but fun and relatively quick to paint
Another of the Citi-def models - followed through with my plan to do the same guy but with a different colour scheme - looking good so far
Judge Cal and Judge Fish
Judge Fear - hardest of the dark Judges to paint yet - this is a repair job as well - his ankles snapped and i had to drill and repair before I could start a paint job
Then these three guys - not Citadel but hey, they are big robots and I quite like them...
Another Paranoia Trouble Shooter - again will be used as a Megacity One citizen - presumably in this instance running away from the law
Last one for tonight - and I may need to start some separate non JD threads here - a big lad from Blood Bowl 1st Edition. looks like I'm starting a team...