There seems to be a mix of opinion on where to stay, so it is likely there will be a split between Newark and Nottingham. please post below when you are booked into a hotel and it will allow people to stay together with the people they want to (or avoid the ones they don't!) I'll keep this OP updated.
Best Western ( ... fault.aspx)
Just John (Fri, Sat)
Cheetor (Fri, Sat)
theottovonbismark (Fri, Sat)
Leromides (Fri, Sat, Sun)
Asslessman (Sat)
Mister Rab (Fri, Sat)
Antipixi (Fri, Sat)
Whiskey Priest (Sat)
Chico (Fri, Sat)
Skarsnik and Old Lead (Fri, Sat) I booked a twin room, so if someone wants to split the cost, there is a space free. However, if you snore, I reserve the right to smother you with a pillow.
Bane (Fri, Sat)
VanLoon (Sat)
Erny + Erny's Bro (Fri, Sat)
lenihan (Fri, Sat)
Vyper (Fri, Sat)
Harry (Fri, Sat)
Some poncy looking hotel near Foundry (
Warlord Paul
Best Western ( ... fault.aspx)
Just John (Fri, Sat)
Cheetor (Fri, Sat)
theottovonbismark (Fri, Sat)
Leromides (Fri, Sat, Sun)
Asslessman (Sat)
Mister Rab (Fri, Sat)
Antipixi (Fri, Sat)
Whiskey Priest (Sat)
Chico (Fri, Sat)
Skarsnik and Old Lead (Fri, Sat) I booked a twin room, so if someone wants to split the cost, there is a space free. However, if you snore, I reserve the right to smother you with a pillow.
Bane (Fri, Sat)
VanLoon (Sat)
Erny + Erny's Bro (Fri, Sat)
lenihan (Fri, Sat)
Vyper (Fri, Sat)
Harry (Fri, Sat)
Some poncy looking hotel near Foundry (
Warlord Paul