BOYL Organisation

Been wondering when this question would rear its head as it was inevitable that it would. The Oldhammer movement and BOYL is getting bigger and getting on top of this is something we all need to consider and it will need to be addressed as we grow further.

This is not about Foundry having the space but more that we grown big enough that a event attracts 200+ people and start to need to consider venues that can cope and this then draws other sellers that offer Oldhammer styles figures etc, insurance, community bank account etc....


Thing is, that sounds like a convention or wargames show. Whereas BOYL is about a group of people getting together to play games.


Zhu Bajie":2ivggoxq said:
lenihan":2ivggoxq said:
BOYL is about a group of people getting together to play games.

Which is surely the definition of a gaming convention or wargames show ;)

nah, those are about people getting together to buy/sell stuff ;)

Zhu Bajie

lenihan":m2h7cv6u said:
Zhu Bajie":m2h7cv6u said:
lenihan":m2h7cv6u said:
BOYL is about a group of people getting together to play games.

Which is surely the definition of a gaming convention or wargames show ;)

nah, those are about people getting together to buy/sell stuff ;)

Perhaps the balance of gaming to trading is something that the current convention scene hasn't quite got right (don't know, last show I attended was Games Day in 87 :lol: ) I'm sure Foundry won't mind people buying a few new toys at BOYL in between games.
What we are seeing though is a serious increase in interest and participation as well as what we can offer others. We ae also seeing events over two continents and more it is only prudent to at least look at what such an increase means.

Blue in VT

Over here in the States we are having many of the same discussions. This has really been prompted by the fact that we have a "pay-play" system this year at OHNW 2015 in order to cover the costs of the hall we are renting for the event...once there is money involved things get a bit stickier. That has led to some tension within the loosely defined "organizational group" (though thankfully this has mostly worked itself out) and it may lead to an even more formal structure for the planning of next years event. As the event grows and more people get involved things become more complicated and it becomes necessary for more clearly defined Roles to be developed for the planning...The fact that you guys in the UK have such a wonderful (and free) host company/venue in Foundry has saved you from some of this for now...but if you out grow that site and have to start thinking about renting a space for a larger event I think that clear leadership will be key to making that transition smooth and keeping most people happy.

I think the general fragmentation of the "Oldhammer Community" is also adding some strain to all organizers planning such events...


Over here in the States we are having many of the same discussions. This has really been prompted by the fact that we have a "pay-play" system this year at OHNW 2015 in order to cover the costs of the hall we are renting for the event...once there is money involved things get a bit stickier. That has led to some tension within the loosely defined "organizational group" (though thankfully this has mostly worked itself out) and it may lead to an even more formal structure for the planning of next years event. As the event grows and more people get involved things become more complicated and it becomes necessary for more clearly defined Roles to be developed for the planning...The fact that you guys in the UK have such a wonderful (and free) host company/venue in Foundry has saved you from some of this for now...but if you out grow that site and have to start thinking about renting a space for a larger event I think that clear leadership will be key to making that transition smooth and keeping most people happy.

I think the general fragmentation of the "Oldhammer Community" is also adding some strain to all organizers planning such events...



Thanks that neatly sums up what one was thinking about and worried about, we need some form of direct set organisation and organised points of contact/Reference..


Ah, and there's the nub, do we want BOYL to grow any larger than it current is? Given the pros & cons of what we currently have, against the pro & con's of what we might get!

Just a thought 8-)

Paul / Golgfag1


I'm sorry, but I disagree - just because you can, doesn't meant you should. This should be discussed and pondered and discussed again, before putting anything in motion - rolling pebble down hill, can cause an avalanche!

Paul / Golgfag1

adlard.matthew":2l82o8un said:
YOu have let the geni out of the bottle, never put it back. But we can plan and organise, or at least set things in motion.

Blue in VT

I guess the question then is if this is an open community that is willing to grow and accept new "members" or is it the "old guard: getting together to game? (I'm not opposed to this idea at all...but I think its too late to control). Given the STAGGERING growth of the FB group over the last year...controlling the growth of this event could be challenging. I suppose the alternative is to have a second event "for the masses" and keep BOYL as a smaller invitation event.

Of course I'm really just an observer from the other side of the pond in all this...but I think the more discussions are done about this now will save headaches in the future....I certainly wish that we, over here, had had a few more discussions early in the process. Communication is KEY!




Blue - Why is the growth, inclusiveness and acceptance of new members to this community dependent upon the size of BOYL?
The discussions on rules, miniatures, painting etc. will happen here anyway, without it; and those interested in such, will in time, find us - there more than enough discussion, blogs etc on the internet for those prepared to look.
If, we were to put on demos at other shows and extended the number of events at Foundry, wouldn't we achieve the same thing, without all the rig-ma-roll that goes with a single all encompassing annual event?

Just my initial thoughts - as we've both said this subject needs to be discussed.

Paul / Golgfag1

Blue in VT":2l4t4tus said:
I guess the question then is if this is an open community that is willing to grow and accept new "members" or is it the "old guard: getting together to game? (I'm not opposed to this idea at all...but I think its too late to control). Given the STAGGERING growth of the FB group over the last year...controlling the growth of this event could be challenging. I suppose the alternative is to have a second event "for the masses" and keep BOYL as a smaller invitation event.

Of course I'm really just an observer from the other side of the pond in all this...but I think the more discussions are done about this now will save headaches in the future....I certainly wish that we, over here, had had a few more discussions early in the process. Communication is KEY!



Blue in VT

Valid points...but at this moment BOYL is THE Oldhammer event in the UK...and is promoted as open to anyone interested...I think that you could expect it to grow just by that simple fact. If you want to keep the event small at some point you will have to start excluding interested does that work without hurt feelings and cries of "elitism"? Who gets to decide who is "worthy" of coming? its a very slippery slope to trod.

I've never been to the Foundry many people can it comfortably accommodate? And how many people attended the last event?

All good thoughts Paul....this is why more and frequent discussions are valuable before the problems snowball.


What happens when we get newer members wanting to come to BOYL and the event attracts 200 interested parties. Nothing wrong with having smaller guest list events but the BOYL has become the kind of Retro-original Games Day so it is going to become a case of growing.

Having the core forum/FB group-Leaders as the go-to people means that decisions and running things as well as going forward where , people want to run Demo's/events/ideas at least media/outsiders have points of contact.

Oldhammer has moved into two parts the Movement and the organisation, will not take much longer for it to become the Business, which encompasses both.

At least if we are having these conversations now it will hopefully stop the inevitable split and spats that can come of not dealing with issues.

Zhu Bajie

Ask not what BOYL can do for you, but what you can do for BOYL.

Seriously, the best time to take stock and think about the future would be after this years event. AFAIK the whole thing has been single-handedly orchestrated by Gaj/Weazil with some helping hands along the way pitching in, including the very generous donation of Boylee Idol, and probably most importantly the people who want to put on games over the weekend organising their wicked cool stuff.

It might appear that interest in BOYL is growing, but without qualifying that interest by measuring both turnout and success (did everyone have a good time?) it's really just guesswork. Just to add to that, it looks like most of the games are being run by people who've been members here for years, rather than newly interested peeps.


No De-neighing that fact - BOYL is the 'national' Oldhammer event at the moment and if you can't make the dates, you've missed it.

But, if we had more 'Oldhammer' events - wouldn't we simply create further opportunities to attend, thus lessening the demand on the current show. Supply & demand - market forces and all that basic economic stuff come into play - given the likely numbers of those attending, I can't really see a problem at the moment. As things develop and an enlarged community start stepping up to the mark - things could develop, and I for one, am prepared to wait for that to happen.

Paul / Golgfag1
Been seeing real interest gathering and people who are not serious gamers just board gamers know of Oldhammer.

What one does not want to see is some one jumping into a situation where we have a small group decide that they are going to set up a Oldhammer business and then go with we are the only official One, etc.

With us having this discussion we are at least looking at the future. If we have some structure we at least can forward people to dedicated areas if they need specialist help, like setting up satellite events.