BOYL 2022 Looking for players for a game on Saturday?


OK, here's an idea for a game on Saturday afternoon- On the basis that battles are rarely balanced, how about players provide a force (2000 points), any race you like and write three lists of 1000, 1500 and 2000, we divide into teams and then players dice for which list they use? Now there's a challenge. :lol:
Any takers?

Paul / Golgfag1


It would certainly be a challenge. Are we talking 3rd edition? I would be be concerned that if the plan is a straight up fight that the player with the smaller force won't have a hope. What about keeping the idea of multiple army lists but you dice for the blocks your force arrives in: all in one go, two forces of a thousand, four of five hundred, or whatever. Time of arrival could also be randomised, known only to the umpire if you want to be really mean.Different blocks could arrive from different table edges. Another option might be to keep the idea of variable points values but have a scenario. The larger force has to dislodge the smaller from a particular defensive point or break through to a particular table edge for examples.


Leromides":2tcwu2og said:
It would certainly be a challenge. Are we talking 3rd edition? I would be be concerned that if the plan is a straight up fight that the player with the smaller force won't have a hope. What about keeping the idea of multiple army lists but you dice for the blocks your force arrives in: all in one go, two forces of a thousand, four of five hundred, or whatever. Time of arrival could also be randomised, known only to the umpire if you want to be really mean.Different blocks could arrive from different table edges. Another option might be to keep the idea of variable points values but have a scenario. The larger force has to dislodge the smaller from a particular defensive point or break through to a particular table edge for examples.

I usually play third, but am open to other edtions. as for the game - the chaps who played last year will tell you the one thing you about the games I run is that assume nothing, I'll set a scenario, with individual objectives :? - what happens after that is down to the players and the dice! :lol:. Hence the more people that sign up the more mayhem will ensue! :o

Paul / Golgfag1


Ah I see, you have a cunning plan. I will be bringing a 3rd edition undead army done for the 333 point painting challenge and can bring a few thousand points of empire if you need someone to play for the good guys. I don't have anything planned for Saturday yet so happy to join in.


Leromides":1lihu72k said:
Ah I see, you have a cunning plan. I will be bringing a 3rd edition undead army done for the 333 point painting challenge and can bring a few thousand points of empire if you need someone to play for the good guys. I don't have anything planned for Saturday yet so happy to join in.

Thanks for joining the fun :lol: , hopefully we'll get a few more takers on the run-up to BOYL.

Paul / Golgfag1


Golgfag1":xf5y37uc said:
I usually play third, but am open to other edtions. as for the game - the chaps who played last year will tell you the one thing you about the games I run is that assume nothing, I'll set a scenario, with individual objectives :? - what happens after that is down to the players and the dice! :lol:. Hence the more people that sign up the more mayhem will ensue! :o
I played Paul's troll hunting scenario at BOYL last year, and I can 100% endorse this - the game took on a life of its own, I think all of us, including Paul, were taken by surprise!

I'm signed up for something on the Saturday already and I suspect that multitasking will get a bit heavy, otherwise I'd definitely sign up for this


Thanks for the words of praise Richard, much appreciated.

Picture from last years game - hunt the troll!
However, I'm still looking for players, so if you're looking for an interesting challenge please step up.

Thanks in advance

Paul / Golgfag1


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We are bringing two 1000 Point armies for a 3rd ed battle in warhammer world and might be available if time permits.


Braxandur":r3wd073g said:
We are bringing two 1000 Point armies for a 3rd ed battle in warhammer world and might be available if time permits.

Here's hoping, I might have to put a twist on you both to ensure the others will be happy, but I don't foresee an issue

Paul / Golgfag1


I apologize to those players I couldn't find and those who dropped out it was quite late in the day and most of those who took part appeared to enjoy the game and cried foul when we had to cut short the scenario, as it was just starting to get interesting. The game went along the lines of players set up with their rolled for contingents with only one receiving their full two thousand points, one with fifteen hundred and two with a thousand each, then I threw-in the twist each player would receive the remainder of the forces in the reserve phase of either turn two (one thousand), turn three (fifteen hundred)I then let the player choose to delay the re-inforcements for the choice of where they came on the table, no delay - their own table edge, following turn - a flank :shock: and the following turn their enemies rear :o , with only the player and the GM knowing when and where they were going to arrive - which all made for an interesting game!

Unfortunately, we ran out of time to play through to a conclusion, but all appeared to enjoy the twist, with one player saying they'd try it at their own club 8-) , which gave me a nice smile - with my GM hat on :grin:

Paul / Golgfag1


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The game looks great and the backdrop of blister packs just sets off that oldhammer vibe perfectly. Glad to hear the games went well, remember it's not a proper game if you actually finish it! :)


^The setting really is a perfect one. Sorry I missed the excitement . . . again. But I hope I can get back soonish. And I'm deeply glad to see folks had a good time now that the plague is loosening its dire grip on all and everything.