A brief recap of events (2/2):
Rounding the exposed corner at the top of the hill, The Trevinator finally succumbs to weapons fire as Cthulu Nazis set up barricades across the track:
Carnage ensues as several vehicles are destroyed causing much improvisation and a set of fresh vehicles to spawn as the race enters the distinctly unsteady tunnel:
Ultimately, the racers ran out of time* and so did not have to contend with the oncoming Winnebago full of fresh-faced fascists that had strayed onto the track:
Hopefully everyone had a good time even though we covered so little of the intended race distance. The work to refine the rules for 'next season' has already begun and significant changes will be made based upon what was learned here to ensure that there is more racing, more chaos, and even more fun for all.
Some people asked a few questions on the day:
The polystyrene used for the bulk of the construction is Ravatherm XPS 300 SB. This is the cold insulation material that used to be generally refered to as 'the blue stuff' and was actually called something like DOW Floormate. The company changed hands and this is exactly the same product only it is now grey rather than blue.
The roads were made from 100* high density foam (used by costume makers and cosplayers). We got ours from
this place.
Most of the weapons on the vehicles either came from
North Star Figues or
Zinge Industries.
Thank you to everyone who took part. We hope you had fun despite the issues.
The Death Race will return.