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BOYL 2015 - Proposed Timetable


Hi all

I've put together a proposed structure for all the games mentioned so far (nothing yet from Orlygg on the Homebrew Scenarios - still chasing). I really, really want to stress the word 'proposed' in that sentence. I've only suggested these based on the comments in the game threads and some modicum of organisation - players and organisers are welcome (and indeed, invited) to negotiate, suggest alternatives and ultimately re-organise to suit themselves.

One note about Sunday - the event is open until 16:00, but previous years have seen most of the players packed up by 15:00, so the schedule has pushed everything into the morning for Sunday. If it suits, there is place to schedule games on Sunday afternoon. Also, where organisers have suggested a range of time for the game duration, I have scheduled it in for the longest duration (i.e. a pessimistic view of the schedule).

If you actually want to see the calendar up on google, the link is:

https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?s ... ope/London

This is the overview so far. I'll zoom in to each day below so that its easier to read:



  • Calendar - Event Overview v1.jpg
    Calendar - Event Overview v1.jpg
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  • Game and Table Schedule - Friday.jpg
    Game and Table Schedule - Friday.jpg
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  • Game and Table Schedule - Saturday.jpg
    Game and Table Schedule - Saturday.jpg
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  • Game and Table Schedule - Sunday.jpg
    Game and Table Schedule - Sunday.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 5,399
I'm a little nervous having the two games I'm hosting back-to-back on the Saturday. I was hoping for a Sunday morning session for Deathrace. Obviously if push comes to shove...

Fimm McCool

Looks like Forenrond isn't exactly fitting with everything else there. Maybe move it to 5pm on the Friday to follow up Lichemaster? Only needs 2 hours tops, probably less.


HI all

I have updated the schedule with the latest updates that I am aware of (in the second post of this thread). I have also changed the format to something suggested by Zhu, which I think makes it a hell of a lot easier to read - and easy to spot which tables are 'idle' and when.

So, organisers, please look at the schedule again and consider if you want to move your game based on this latest update and let me know if anything changes.

Also, please note that the 40kuest game from Da onno has been cancelled (he won't be able to attend this year, unfortunately).


Fimm McCool":1yr1lv9i said:
Looks like Forenrond isn't exactly fitting with everything else there. Maybe move it to 5pm on the Friday to follow up Lichemaster? Only needs 2 hours tops, probably less.

Hi Fimm

I pushed this forward a little just to tie in with the other games ending at around 18:00. It's fine if it goes on longer - I've just assumed that the Friday may still be a little sporadic and unpredictable. Anyway - let me know if you want to change it based on the schedules of the other games.


Oh dear...the changed timetable for Saturday may cause a few problems - I know several of us were hoping to play Electric Goats, Deathrace and Anarchy in the UH (the first incarnation of the timetable had these neatly following on from one another).

I realise it's not going to be possible to play EVERY game I (we) want to - are the timings of these 3 incompatable to make them run consecutively?


Actually, Axiom, what you've done is spot a mistake! Wacky races is supposed to fit between those two, but I've messed that up. I'll correct that. Also, Cap'n Crooks has akedmto move the wacky races to Sunday morning, so that might relieve some pressure.

I can't change the image now, but will update as soon as I can


Thanks for your work on this Weazil. I'll probably do another Chainsaw Warrior session later on Sunday - so say one from 10am-1pm and another from 1.30-4.30 if anyone is still around for the later session. There are at least a few who aren't travelling far who might stick around for it.
Soooo... Does the Friday get filled up more? How early can guests begin to arrive on Friday? For MY part, I intend to be at the Foundry for every minute of BOYL, and if an unscheduled pickup game is all I can find on Friday morning then I'll play it.


Hi chaps

I've finally updated the schedule to reflect the latest comments and concerns on this thread. Please could you check it and determine if you want anything else to move.



Drew Williams":bo5fzyn9 said:
Soooo... Does the Friday get filled up more? How early can guests begin to arrive on Friday? For MY part, I intend to be at the Foundry for every minute of BOYL, and if an unscheduled pickup game is all I can find on Friday morning then I'll play it.

Hi Drew

Sorry for not responding to this - I kept avoiding this thread because I hadn't updated the schedule!

Simply, you can pitch up when Foundry open, which is about 10:00. I'm still trying to get a grip on the catering, so I can't be sure you'll get any bacon sandwiches for the Friday, but I'll keep you posted on that front - update hopefully this week! Typically, we say the event starts at about 13:00, because most will use the Friday morning to travel (That's what I'll be doing at any rate). I'm also not especially concerned about table schedules on the Friday because the games are so ad-hoc.

The best I can recommend is posting up a thread here to say when you'll be there and for the sort of game you're looking for. I have no doubt you'll be able to jam-pack your day, even if you didn't arrange a thing before hand!


I'm not sure I understand the timings on the chart (second post), because the labels are in the middle of each row - is it labelling the top of the row, or the bottom. I think that Day 2 kicks off at 10am, but it includes 11 rows, which at one hour each would take the finish time up to 9pm - and I thought it was supposed to finish at 8pm. I have a nasty feeling that there might be one less hour in reality than the chart indicates.

Regarding Chainsaw Warrior, I'm planning to do one game on Friday afternoon (starting around 2pm), one 10am Saturday morning, and at least one on Sunday, time tbc depending on demand. Allow 3 hours each. Would you be able to update the schedule?