[BOYL 2014] Dice - possible DISASTER!


I'd say go with 3, with the fall back being number 2.

Anyone who chooses option 1 I will do naughty things to you while you sleep! :shock:

Mister Rab


Citadel Collector":2pk4a39x said:
Mister Rab":2pk4a39x said:
In which case it might make sense to swap it for the "1" instead of the "6" so as not to unbalance the dice?

I don't understand this bit... :oops:

A friend of mine who used to work in a casino gave me a big lecture one time on how custom dice were unfair unless you took into account the amount of material removed in any custom design. So, the goats engraved is about the same material removed as six dots, but a printed design is obviously no material removed so should replace the "one" to keep as close to true random balance as possible. I don't think we're competitive enough to care about a fraction of a percentage shift in a distribution curve, but there seems no point in deliberately getting wonky dice.

Anyway, my response to his lecture? "Tough, you rolled lower, so it's your round!" :lol:


I've got to say, I much prefer etched dice, so option 2 works for me. Needless to say I have no issue slinging additional cash to cover postage and packaging costs, assuming you don't mind fiddling about with all the different orders and little bags.


Im not interested in printed dice Im afraid. Sorry to be a dick.

Im fine with option 1 or 2, whichever is easiest for you to manage Mister Rab. Sorting out all those little orders could be a drag, so I am totally fine with a full cancel too.


Option 2 for me, or option 1 as the backup. Do it properly or not at all I think, I'm happy to wait and sort postage out if needs be.

Just John

Option 2 is expensive for those of us living abroad but I'm sure theotto, cheetor & myself wouldn't mind sharing the costs of one package so I'd be happy to go for that. Otherwise option 1 as I have no interest in printed dice either.

Mister Rab

Looks like it's option 2 then, chaps - waiting until the etched dice are ready and sorting out postage at a later date. I have to say I'm glad that's the most popular option as I didn't particularly want to go down the printed dice route.

Speak now or forever hold your peace! :lol:


I concur - option 2 for me, please! We're all used to the pay and wait model from eBay anyway, so it's nothing new :)


For me, option 1 or 2, not 3, thanks! Really appreciate all the effort you have gone to on our behalf mate

Mister Rab

Well that seems pretty unanimous - I'll contact them this morning and ask them to go ahead with the etched dice.

Thanks for your understanding, everyone :)