Black Tree Miniatures


yeah.. I'm not sure what is going on right now.. there hasn't been a site update about the last sale or anything since september/october and no newsletters or anything.... I've got an order with them from then which I'm awaiting on..


I purchased from them in September and still waiting for delivery. I was emailed late October apologising for the delay and told would be posted out in two weeks. They are not responding to emails. I raised a PayPal case two days ago as reaching the 180 day limit.

I have had no problems in 20 years with them although usually takes a couple of months. This feels different.

They don’t seem to be selling on eBay either anymore


Hmmm I’ve got an order in with him at the moment. He’s always delivered in the past, only once did I have to chase. I know he has health issues that have occasionally caused problems. Hope he is ok. Never quite sure how they make money bearing in mind postage and the cost of metal these days


Having raised a case with PayPal for my two orders there was still no response from E-Orbis. I therefore escalated yesterday and this morning got a full refund. My orders were for quite a large sum so relieved i got my money back although disappointed i never got the figures i had paid for. 5 months is long enough to wait.


I was/am in contact with a guy that knows John (who runs Eoe) and was kinda giving him a nudge. I don't want to put too much onto him (that guy I was in contact with, cause he was a nice guy doing me a favour really) but I'll be chasing up in a bit. Like I said, don't want to pressure him as he is just doing a good favour


I was/am in contact with a guy that knows John (who runs Eoe) and was kinda giving him a nudge. I don't want to put too much onto him (that guy I was in contact with, cause he was a nice guy doing me a favour really) but I'll be chasing up in a bit. Like I said, don't want to pressure him as he is just doing a good favour
Ah, understood. I'll keep chasing and clinging to the hope of getting my gobbos... plus imagining being showered with additional freebies as John will be so full of remorse. :)